Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Wild Bird Wednesday

The Eagle and the Crow
 You are in my territory ... MOVE!

 You heard me, I said MOVE!

 I'll try another approach ...

 Okay, can you hear me now? ... I said MOVE!

 Ahh, reinforcements ...

 Maybe if we fly at him he will get the message ...

Nope, no use ... we're out of here ...

Now, what was I doing?



Henry said...

Great pictures!! Thanks for sharing with us! Keep up the great posts :)
Take care,

Elephant's Child said...

I am always impressed at how brave (and possibly foolhardy) some birds are. I can remember seeing magpies challenging our Wedge-tailed Eagle. Who wasn't phased at all.

marsha said...

Cool...I saw about half a dozen crows trying to move a great horned owl out of their territory. They were victorious!!!

Little Wandering Wren said...

I think that is what you call punching above your weight - love the little birds!
Wren x

Edna B said...

What fun photos!! Those black birds really are brave though to stand up against a bird the size of an eagle. I've had to move my bird feeder to another part of the yard, and now I have fewer little birds. Hmmm, not sure why. I always figured the birds would find the food if I moved it. Guess I'm wrong.

I think we're in for some rain today. I hope not, I have to go out soon for a doctor appointment (just a check up on my arm). I do believe my arm is mostly healed. It doesn't bother me anymore. As long as I don't over do.

How is Izzi doing? Pogo sends her woofs and a big lick. I have to get going now. You have a super day my friend. Hugs, Edna B.

A Colorful World said...

Cute captions! Love seeing them vying for their spot on the ice!

Stewart M said...

A very nice set of pictures - crows are really smart birds!

Guiding service are available!

Cheers - Stewart M - (temporarily in) New Zealand

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