Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Wild Bird Wednesday

Tasty Morsel
I don't know what he is eating ... actually looks like fish, but since the lake is frozen, that would be unlikely unless some of the ice fisherman left fish on the ice.  

The eagles have been back for a few days ... They seem to come and go depending on food sources.  It is always a pleasure to see them out in my tree :)



Elephant's Child said...

He/she is certainly into his food. What a privilege to see.

NatureFootstep said...

You have them in your tree :)
Would not mind having them outside my balcony :)
My world is turning white now and there is a storm coming but I don´t think it will be that harsh where I live.

Anu said...

Eagles are so great and awesome birds!

Findlay Wilde said...

What a stunning bird to be able to study so closely.

Stewart M said...

A nice bit of sushi to start the year! Must be on a health kick!

I'll tell Sal (my wife) that you need me to go back 'up north' to get pictures of the adult Jacanas - I'm sure she will understand!

Cheers and (a slightly belated) Happy New Year - Stewart M - Melbourne

Judy Biggerstaff said...

Glad to see you captured the eagle. I've been trying to capture them but no luck.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Awesome shots of the Eagle. Great sighting. Happy New Year! Enjoy your day and week ahead!

Edna B said...

How awesome that you can photograph these gorgeous birds right in your own yard!! Great shots. My little birds have been scarce lately. Something must be hanging around in the treetops scaring them away.

Pogo only goes outside long enough to bark at Joe when he (Joe)gets home from work, then he scampers right back indoors. He does not like the cold at all.

Pogo sends woofs and licks to Izzi. You have a super day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

Claudia W | ImagesByCW said...

Wow - good shots. You are so lucky to be able to watch eagles.

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