Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Wild Bird Wednesday

Wild Bird Wednesday # 59
Link to Wild Bird Wednesday
This is the beautiful and majestic Male Trumpeter Swan
He is going out to join his mate ...
and their two cygnets ...
The Trumpeter Swan was once endangered, but has fortunately  made a comeback.  In Wisconsin, however, they are being pushed out by the more aggressive Mute Swan.  The response by the Wisconsin DNR has been to go around the state and shoot the Mute Swans.  There are many things that are out of control in Wisconsin and the DNR is one of them.  Do you know what your DNR is doing in your state?  You might want to check into it ... and then let your voices be heard if you don't agree.


Sandee said...

Swans are fabulous creatures. I saw many when I was in Indiana last year.

Have a terrific day. ☺

mick said...

Great photos of a very beautiful bird.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful shots of the Trumpeter Swan! Have a happy week ahead!

Edna B said...

Your photos are beautiful. I can't imagine anyone purposefully setting out to shoot any swans. We have the mute swans here. I think they are all beautiful. Now I'm off to work again. You have a wonderful night. Hugs, Edna B.

Elephant's Child said...

Sounds like a typical beaureaucratic (non)solution to a problem. Sometimes I despair.
And the swan and his family are beautiful. Thank you.

Carole M. said...

sweet shots, very handsome

Unknown said...

Gorgeous birds!

Anonymous said...

The WI DNR also continues to destroy the Mute Swan nests and eggs, covering the eggs in oil or piercing the shells. It isn't just WI that is messed up though. Many states are taking it upon themselves to destroy wildlife. We need to be thevoice for those who have none.

RNSANE said...

How elegant is that pure white swan. His mate, as seems to be always the case, is far less showy.

My Wild Bird Wednesday is at:


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi I have never seen this Swan in the flesh and you shots are wonderful. thanks

Pat said...

What a beautiful, elegant bird! Great photos.

Stewart M said...

What a great bird - shooting Mute Swans as a conservation measure? I assume they are not native, but that seems strange.

I actually managed to get out for a walk a couple of evening ago - a combination of a spring day lengths and much better ankle - I'll be posting the images soon!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Mary Howell Cromer said...

What beauty to behold. I so hope to see one of these close up one day...I have seen them at a distance in Yellowstone National park~

Bruno Laliberté said...

Nicely done!!

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