Sunday, February 19, 2012

Friday Four Fill In


Friday Four Fill In


Hilary of Feeling Beachie is the host of this weekly Hop.
Each week, she lists four statements with blanks for us to fill in on our own blogs. If you want to join the fun, come up with fill in’s of your own and let her know. If she uses them, she will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is Irene from Me, Myself and I , who came up with the last two statements.
This week’s statements:
1. Sometimes I get frustrated that McGuffy Ann gets frustrated and guilty about something she has no control over.
2. I can hardly remember my time in high school
3. Deciding what to do before I have to do it is such a pain sometimes
4. Izzi is my favorite dog, given that she is my only dog.

1 comment:

Hilary said...

I bet Izzi is glad about #4

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