Friday, February 24, 2012

Finally, a real winter snow ...

We have had a very warm winter.  A few dustings of snow, temperatures in the 30's and 40's and open water on our lakes.  Today that all changed. Today we have a wonderful, deep, heavy snowfall.  The real thing ... the perfect snowman building snow and the worst kind of snow to shovel from your walks.  We still have open water, but this is much more like winter, so for the moment, I am going to enjoy and not worry about how soon Spring will be here.

It started last night and was still snowing when I got up this morning ... probably around 8 inches of snow.

You can see the incongruity of the open water in the snowy winter scene.

The birds are waiting for me to clear their feeders ...

The crows love my suet ...

This is my view from my computer desk ... from here I can follow what is going on by my feeders and on the lake.  Sadly I saw Common Mergansers  on the lake this morning.  It is much too early for them to be here.  They usually migrate through in April.  Hopefully, with the open water, they will be able to feed and tolerate what winter has in store for us until they can move on.  So that's my story today.  Hope you are having a wonderful day too.


Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Send some of that my way, please. It was 70+ degrees here yesterday. =O( It has been unseasonably warm this winter here in Tennessee. I love Winter and especially here because it's my reprieve before the sweltering summers.

Do you live in Michigan? I saw in your Blogger profile 'Great Lakes' so I was wondering. I grew up in Michigan...Midland. I moved to Tennessee when I was 23. My sister and her family still live there. I'm still good friends with tons of people from school and see them when I visit up there and, of course, we stay in touch on Facebook.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

I don't live in Michigan, but I have spent many vacations up there. It is a beautiful state and I hope I will get the chance to go there again.
We are supposed to get another snow storm soon ... I wish I could divert it to you, but not likely. I love the snow and my dog loves it. You can see the joy on her face when she is running in it.
Thank you for your comments ...


Anonymous said...

You forget to mention we did have two pretty good snows. I remember because shoveling is hard with these ankles...just saying. It's fun to see your pictures on a blog, where others can appreciate them as much as I do! Keep it up!

Bruno Laliberté said...

Nicely captured.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

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