Thursday, February 16, 2012

Cat Thursday

Diva looks so peaceful when she is sleeping, but .......


Kate Campbell said...

He is dreaming of the mischief he can make,

Hilary said...

What a cutie! I am so glad to meet you - thanks McGuffy Ann! I am following back (if the email subscription that you signed up for doesn't work, please let me know - i am still working out the kinks)

I am sure Alex would have love your maggie....

keiths ramblings said...

Hi Andrea. Thanks for dropping by my blog. You certainly seem to have got off to a good start! I've been blogging for 6 years ad have 6blogs running at the moment, so if you ever need any help don't hesitate to ask!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Welcome to all of you. I hope we will be able to exchange many more comments in our future. I am so new at this that it may take time for me to get truly organized, but I am already wondering what took me so long to start as a blogger. I look forward to our next meeting.


Bruno Laliberté said...

That's when I expect the worst behavior from my two cats!!
I just know they're plotting something up...
Love the to bits though!!

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

First off, blanket apology to all Cat Thursday-ers for another late visit from me. =O(

How adorable is she? Love it!

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