Thursday, August 8, 2024

Rain Frances Creations ... Puzzles


A 3-D puzzle :)

My Granddaughter loves doing puzzles and there is almost always one in the process of being put together here.   I, on the other hand, stink at it.  Maybe it is because I am old or maybe it is just because I am not good with puzzles.  I occasionally have a puzzle made from my own photographs ... the ones above  are examples of those.  I am puzzled as to what else I can do with this prompt ... so, that's all folks :)

Andrea @ From The Sol


Christine said...

Just lovely Andrea! -Christine

Taken For Granted said...

Good you can make your own puzzles from your photographs. Thanks for the good idea. Lovely cake photos. Now I want a slice of cake.

Michelle said...

I am not good at puzzles and find them frustrating. Poor visual spatial skills!

Jeanie said...

This is a reminder that I have to get back to puzzling! it has been awhile!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

When I owned a summer cottage we often had a jigsaw puzzle on the go, and people would add a few pieces and slowly it got finished. Then another one was started and on it went. When I sold the cottage I asked the new people if they wanted me to leave the puzzles - and they did! I hope they enjoyed them as much as we did - and I hope this comment doesn’t get shunted to spam! Hugs - David

EricaSta said...

Understand very well. Puzzles are indeed a nice hobby, I do this often on my tablet. It's fine. And there is a wonderful idea to make the own puzzle. I must try this too. Have a good week. Hugs by Heidrun

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...