Thursday, August 29, 2024

Rain Frances Creations ... Swords


Once again, I don't have any pictures of swords, so this is all I have to share this week.  

School has started, mornings are cool, some early signs of changing colors ... all signs of Fall, my favorite time of year.  I always marvel at how fast summer seems to pass but I am never sorry to see Fall arrive.  Best of days to all of you :)

Andrea @ From the Sol


Thursday, August 22, 2024

Rain Frances Creations ... Ships



Ship Wreck :(

I have pictures of boats, but no ships, I am sorry to say.  This is as good as it gets this week ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Rain Frances Creations ... Double


Double Crested Cormorants 

Old Art

Double Dip (1)

New Art 

I think Rain should have said, "I double dare you to illustrate the prompt 'Double'. " This was a real stretch :)
Hope all is well with all of you.  Are you enjoying the USA politics?  😁

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Rain Frances Creations ... Puzzles


A 3-D puzzle :)

My Granddaughter loves doing puzzles and there is almost always one in the process of being put together here.   I, on the other hand, stink at it.  Maybe it is because I am old or maybe it is just because I am not good with puzzles.  I occasionally have a puzzle made from my own photographs ... the ones above  are examples of those.  I am puzzled as to what else I can do with this prompt ... so, that's all folks :)

Andrea @ From The Sol

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Rain Frances Creations ... Bakery



There is a Bakery in Kalamazoo .... 😁

Fortunately it is not close to me or I would gain 100 pounds.  But, that said, it has the best (and biggest)cream filled donuts in the world (says me :)  So it is scorching hot this week and I am going to the Arboretum to be in the cool shade of some awesome trees.  Wishing you all a comfortable week. 

Andrea @ from the Sol

Rain Frances Creations ... Sticky

 Sticky Today is a special day at my house ...  It has been a wonderful 60 years of marriage ... not without it's bumps, but we have sha...