Thursday, July 6, 2023

Thursday Art & Dinner Date .... Picnic


Picnic and Fireworks by the Lake

Picnic at the State Park 


Picnic in Switzerland 

Picnic in a Chiang Mai Park

picnic on beach of island near Phuket 

Old Picnic Art

I know I have been to many more picnics and that begs the question ... where are the pictures?  I suspect they are somewhere in my files, but this week time was short, so you have been spared 😁

Try staying cool if you can ... the heat is ferocious 😅 

Andrea @ from the Sol


Christine said...

Lovely picnic photos Andrea!

Iris Flavia said...

Quite a nice journey!

Valerie-Jael said...

Fun photos, Andrea. I haven't been to a picnic for the last 30 years or so, perhaps I should start thinking about it again! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

Gillena Cox said...

Fantastic photos Andrea.

Happy Thursday


You have there some great smiles for my Sunday Smiles linky

Elephant's Child said...

It is way too long since I have been on a picnic and you have made me wonder why.
Stay as cool as you can dear friend.

My name is Erika. said...

What a fun collection of picnic views Andrea. The kids in the first photos look like they are having a great time. And isn't it interesting how picnics vary in different places. I love seeing the different views. I think I would like to travel the world picnicking if I could. I hope it was a great July 4. hugs-Erika

Taken For Granted said...

As your photos show, the Fourth of July is a very special holiday for friends and family.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Miriam and I often take a picnic lunch with us when we know we are going to be out for the day, and always enjoy it. Usually it is just the two of use, but sometimes we are joined by another couple. We have a bit of a tradition when we go to Rondeau Provincial Park. We take a more elaborate lunch, often cold chicken breasts, potato salad, artisan bread and good cheese, and we even sneak in a glass of wine. We have to camouflage that since it is forbidden to drink alcohol in the park other than at a campground, so don’t tell anyone! I forgot to mention that we take a tablecloth and set up in grand style. I am quite sure we are the envy of the park!

Tom said...

...Andrea, keep having fun times!

NatureFootstep said...

wow, you DO have a beautiful family :) And you also seem to find raptors whereever you are :) I envy you!

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