Friday, June 9, 2023

Friday Face Off ...


Move ... you're in my spot!

Yeah ...  That's gonna to happen ...  

Henry being out foxed by a female :)

Andrea @ From the Sol


DVArtist said...

These are great shots and yeah who is the king of the jungle? Thank you for sharing with FFO and I hope you got my comment on saving AI.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Do you think, perhaps, that Henry has other things on his mind, and she's still saying "Yeah... That's gonna happen"?

Jenn Jilks said...

I love watching animals!

Valerie-Jael said...

Reminds me of my dog if I happened to sit on 'her' couch! Have a great weekend, don't be stressed! Hugs, Valerie

Christine said...


Taken For Granted said...

Had to laugh at your captions. Fine photos of these lions.

Michelle said...

Cute AND funny!

Elephant's Child said...

A gorgeous image - and I am smiling at David's comment.

Dawn said...

What great photos, mum always says that females are more intelligent than us males **roars with laughter**

Boris and Eko xxx

Rostrose said...

Dear Andrea, yeah, that's okay! The king of beasts is totally overrated - we saw lion ladies in Namibia in the wild roaring and fighting down a lion man - that was totally good (and worth seeing - here the link if you're interested - 🦁)!
My current post is much gentler - and there are again lovable sloths to see. Thank you very much for your great comment on my previous post! I'm not afraid of tarantulas or other creatures either. I don't like to get too close to some of them, but that's probably understandable 😉
All the best and have a nice June 🌻🐝🦋!

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