Thursday, April 20, 2023

Thursday Art & Dinner Date! ... Library


Pencil sketches of Pooh & Eeyore.  Outlined in ink and painted in PSE.  Background from Google images.  

So, do you know what Winnie is looking for?  

These are all of the mysteries I have read since we moved here (4.5 years ago).

This is my reference library ... 

So, much to my surprise, my lady hawk visited me again ... she is awesome and  I love having her in my world 💗 

Then another surprise as I was sitting at a red light, I had another visitor ... a red wing black bird, perched on my mirror and then hopped down on the door and once he saw his reflection he started pecking at it ... that bird does not belong in his territory :)  What a delight!

 I love nature and all it's wonderful creatures ... I wish all of them (or at least most of them) would pay me a visit.  It lifts my spirit to be among these wonderful characters .  Hoping you are all enjoying a sunshiny spring ...

Andrea @ From the Sol


My name is Erika. said...

You've had some wonderful visitors Andrea. That hawk is amazing. I wonder if the nest will be someplace close by. And your red winged blackbird story made me smile. I had one in my yard yesterday. Usually when I see them there are lots of them, but maybe the flocks have already broken up for nesting. And nice book collection. I read a lot and mysteries are definitely one of my favorites. I haven't read any Harlan Coben though. I do need to check him out. Have a super Thursday. hugs-Erika

Christine said...

Lovely library photos and bird sightings!

Taken For Granted said...

Your hawk photos are wonderful. How fine this bird is comfortable visiting your yard. The Black bird shots are good also.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What a charming Pooh and Eeyore! And how fabulous to have a lady hawk friend visit you and to see a redwing blackbird up so close!

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful surprises in your delightful photos and love Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore creations ~ wonderful ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Valerie-Jael said...

It's great to be surrounded by nature, the world would be cold and dark without it. Lovely library, too! Hugs, Valerie

Cathy Kennedy said...


Winnie the Pooh is such a cuddly, lovable character and Eeyore sounds so sad you just want to make him smile. You did such a wonderful job on this week's contribution. I like how you overlayed your sketches onto the image background - nicely done!

There's a hawk that lives in our neighborhood but I've glimpsed him from afar. That red wing black bird is pretty. I have not seen one of those before. Great photographs!

Have a doodletastic day!

Elephant's Child said...

Nature is solace and heartbalm for me and I love the beauties you shared.
And hooray for libraries. I think it was Cicero who said that if you have a garden and a library you have everything you need...

Carola Bartz said...

Those are beautiful and wonderful visitors! You are a lucky person. Like you, I deeply love nature and am glad that I have so much of it just around our home. Once in while I spot a hawk sitting on my fence, but most of the time I see them circling above. We have a hawk's nest close by to the dismay of the crows who are busy chasing the hawk away when she gets too close to their nests. Enjoy the rest of the week, Andrea, maybe with a few more visitors.

Tom said...'s sad that libraries and their ideas scare many people these days. Ah, to be able to fly like a bird. Enjoy your spring.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Two things are very special about this post, Andrea. First, of course, is that you have your very own Red-tailed Hawk coming to visit, and that is about as fine a privilege as any one could ever wish for. Second - you show us books. Glorious books. You flaunt your collection without reservation. Who knows, perhaps in those pages real life is reflected, there might be a hint of gay relationships, perhaps hidden kisses, or references to nudity. No banning in your house, I am sure. Bravo. Let's all embrace books in all their diversity, and if there are things that we don't wish to read, simply leave those books aside. But let us NEVER try to impose our sense of morality on others. You may have a candidate for president of your country who wishes to do that. Is this really 2023? With my very best wishes - David

Jenn Jilks said...

Isn't that fun, the hawk!
Good work, sketching. I really ought to do some.

NatureFootstep said...

Hi Andrea, lovely library. You seem to read a lot. More then me nowadays. :)
Love to see your lady hawk. I think I read a book about a "Lady hawk" once!

I have a similar shot, somewhere, of a bird pecking on it´s own reflection. They don´t know about mirror images :) Nice catch!

We had two days of "summer" but now winter is comeing back. :(

NatureFootstep said...

Lady hawk is a movie. She is cursed and a hawk in the day and women at night. It ws a beautiful and sad story.

Rain said...

Hi Andrea! Your Pooh and Eeyore are great! I knew you'd come up with something special!!! ☺☺ And Lady Hawk, those are some fabulous photos!!! ♥♥

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