Friday, February 10, 2023

Friday Face Off ...


A little nod to Black History Month ... this little cutie was with her mother at the UIC Dental Clinic.  I watched her while I waited for my daughter who was with a dentist.  I couldn't resist taking her picture because she was not just cute, she was smart and funny and polite.  She is probably in her late teens by now and I wonder how life has treated her.  I hope well because she has much to offer our society and deserves the opportunity to live a happy productive life.

Andrea @ From the Sol


Michelle said...

She is a cutie.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Yes, definitely a cute child.
Enjoy the weekend... said...

She is very cute.

Christine said...

Lovely face!

DVArtist said...

She is very cute indeed. Thank you for sharing her and your story with FFO. Have a great day.

Fundy Blue said...

She's darling, Andrea. I hope life has been kind to her. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who takes photos of beautiful children.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

She definitely deserves to receive all the opportunists offered herane rest of us. It's good she doesn't live in FL!

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