Thursday, February 23, 2023

Thursday Art & Dinner Date! Drinks

Drinks in the animal kingdom ...

Thai miscellaneous Drinks

Thai Ice Tea

Thai Fruit Smoothies 


Miscellaneous Drinks 

Started with pencil sketch on black paper ... colored with colored pencils and then tweaked on the internet :)

                 A toast to all of my blogger friends ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Thursday Art & Dinner Date! Bread

I don't bake so I don't have pictures of delicious kinds of bread to share, but I have an old story to tell ...
When my son was born I used to do little projects with my daughter while he slept so she wouldn't feel left out.  One of those projects was to have her bake some bread (with my help, of course) and I took pictures and made her a little book.  So this is Jackie's Bread story ...

The pictures are a little faded so you might want to click to enlarge ...

That's all I have on bread ... now, let's see if I can dig something up about drinks for next week :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

Friday, February 10, 2023

Friday Face Off ...


A little nod to Black History Month ... this little cutie was with her mother at the UIC Dental Clinic.  I watched her while I waited for my daughter who was with a dentist.  I couldn't resist taking her picture because she was not just cute, she was smart and funny and polite.  She is probably in her late teens by now and I wonder how life has treated her.  I hope well because she has much to offer our society and deserves the opportunity to live a happy productive life.

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Thursday Art & Dinner Date! Vegetables


Hammy Hamster biting off more than he can chew :)

Ever see this guy at your Super Market?

My DIL's Gardens ...

Thai Cucumbers 
Lots of Thai Veggies at my house :)

Picture of an old drawing from way back, who knows when :)
My Horticulturist Father told me it was not anatomically correct, Ha!

So I assure you I have many, many more pictures of Veggies, but lack the time to recover them all.  Hope this is enough :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...