Thursday, December 1, 2022

Thursday Art & Dinner Date! ... Bells


I have attended several Carillon concerts at the Chicago Botanical Gardens.   It is a real treat ... so relaxing to sit outside on the side of a hill and listen to the bells play. 

If you don't remember Bell Bottom pants, you must be  very young.  The only thing I really remember about them was the numerous stumbles I took while accidentally stepping on the edge of my pants.  This fad hasn't come back in 50 plus years ... hmmmm, I wonder why :)

If you live in the US, you probably have traveled to Philadelphia to see the Liberty Bell.

Wedding Bells rang for us 58 years ago ... 

This is called the Maroon Bells ... it is a breathtaking scene that can be found somewhere between Snowmass and Aspen, Colorado.  It is one of the several trips I took with my dear friend, Barbara (seen walking along side the lake).  If you are ever in Colorado, it is a must see ...

I hope the bells are ringing in your lives ... in a good way, that is.  My son has ringing in his ears (tinnitus)from years of listening to loud music :(  They are saying that there may be a cure for it ... fingers crossed.  Stay well everyone :)

Andrea @ From the Sol


kathyinozarks said...

Good morning beautiful post

Gillena Cox said...



Taken For Granted said...

Good series of photos, and yes, I do remember bell bottom pants. Love your photo with two young ladies identically dressed.

Christine said...

Lovely bell themed photos! What an attractive couple you are and were!

Elephant's Child said...

Another wonderful take on Rain's theme. Thank you. And yes, I remember (not fondly) bell bottom trousers.

My name is Erika. said...

I like your assortment of bells Andrea. A bell concert is always relaxing. I was walking today in a nearby small city and a bell started to ring. I haven't heard that sound in a long time.And that's a fun wedding photo. Time does fly by, doesn't it? And I must add that before I noticed the bell bottoms I noticed the Farah Fawcett hair.That was quite the style, wasn't it? Happy December. Hugs-Erika

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Good morning, Andrea: Great selection of images for this theme. I have several fond memories of bells, but one of my best, perhaps the very best, is being in the Cotswolds in England - truly beautiful and serene - listening to a Blackbird (Turdus merula) singing its incredibly musical song, when the church bells from the local village began to peal, and the sound rolled across the valley in perfect accompaniment to the blackbird. It was one of those magical moments one does not forget. With my best wishes - David

Tom said...

...the bell is an American classic.

Carola Bartz said...

What a beautiful sselection of bell related photos, Andrea. When I think of bells, I remember the church bells in Germany that would ring every day at least three times - 7:00am, noon, and 6:00pm. And of course on Sunday morning to call for service, Christmas Eve, New Year's (right at midnight). It's a beautiful sound that this often very old bells make. I also remember the change ringing in England which I am lucky to ahve heard often. I do miss these church bells. - Oh those bell bottoms, yes I remember those. I still have photos of myself somewhere wearing those. I was in my teens at that time. Beautiful wedding photo!

NatureFootstep said...

the Liberty Bell is beautiful and so is your wedding photo. :)

You asked: I detect texture on the page ... is that the canvas or did you add it digitally?
It is the canvas. The paint was quite thin and the white part is not painted at all, pure cnvas. :)

Kimberly said...

Let me share this on your lovely blog, A neighbor of mine developed dementia & diabetes, then her husband died, no children or family nearby. I am thankful our closest neighbor, an African American woman, introduced Dr Itua Herbal Medicine, A traditional herbal doctor in which we purchased a herbal product for her through his Dr Itua online herbs store. A former social worker stepped in and led the way to place the widow in a care facility. We visit nearly every week until she finishes drinking Dr Itua herbal medicines, if possible. The two of us take simple games, puzzles, and matching cards to do with her, staying about 2 hours. Jenga, Trouble, puzzles 100pcs or less, 20 cards to match (total-not 40!). The fishing game where the fish open and shut their mouths as they go around is lots of fun! We sit and chat with her until she gets well again, then we pull out a game and the three of us laugh together as we play. We take a variety of things to do so that we won't get bored. She finished Dr Itua herbal medicines and she's fine now and doing better with the help of Dr Itua herbal medicines, Dr Itua cures different illnesses with his herbal medicines. Anyone having a sick person should reach Dr Itua email Dr Itua Cure Alzheimer's,Cancer,Parkinson,Hiv,Herpes,Hpv,Kidney disease,Diabetes,Hepatitis, We hug and hold hands a lot. Having two of us go together really helps. But I can go alone, my neighbor cannot, as she saw so much of this during her years as a social worker. I hope this specific list helps others in this situation.

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