Monday, October 31, 2022



Andrea @ From the Sol


Taken For Granted said...

Thanks for the good wishes. And, here's wishing you a very Happy Halloween.

Unknown said...

Hi Andrea, I hope you enjoyed Halloween and thank you so much for your comment on my blog. I have read on facebook that leaving pumpkins in the woods can be dangerous for hedgehogs as it gives them the squits and they then dehydrate, so this year I will compost mine, hedgehogs are in decline around here and I wouldn't want to hurt them :) we didn't go last night as it was heavy rain and mud but the bird food/seeds will be distributed in the woods on a less muddy day :) I made a bag up as I do every year for my neighbours daughter with Halloween treats and gifts, she was old enough to go trick or treating for the first time this year with her friends and had a brilliant skeleton outfit and mask, she lit the little pumpkin candle I gave her and put it in her doorway :)

Wood Fairy said...

oh I came up unknown ref hedehogs etc - it's Betty-thewoodfairy!

Valerie-Jael said...

Thanks Adrea, i hope you enjoyed it, too! Hugs, Valerie

Rostrose said...

I hope you had a Happy Halloween, dear Andrea!
All the best from Austria, Traude

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