Thursday, June 30, 2022

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Silver & Gold


In my personal life, I am a silver person.  Most of my jewelry is silver and even my appliances are silver (stainless steel), but strangely all  I could find in my pictures were gold 😁

New Art

Old Art 

More Old Art

The Gold of Thailand
The dragon is a frequent visitor in Thailand ...

Wat Phra Kaew (Temple of the Emerald Buddah) on the grounds of the Grand Palace (top)
Various other Temples and gold statues in Thailand.

So, Happy 4th of July to those who celebrate it ... be well and be safe :)

Andrea @ From the Sol


kathyinozarks said...

Good morning, enjoyed your art post
Hugs from the lake

DVArtist said...

This is a beautiful post. I love all of the art and the trip to Thailand. Have a great day.

Tom said...

...Andrea, you interpreted sold and silver well, I struggled. Your golden hour on the water scene is my favorite. Enjoy a safe and joyous 4th!

Leigh said...

What a wonderful selection of silver and gold. Have to admit, I'm with you when it comes to personal choice. Silver all the way here.

Fundy Blue said...

Beautiful golds, Andrea! Every piece of your "Old Art" is a delight! I'm coming from behind and posting on purple today. I'm going to add some silver and gold to my IWSG post on Wednesday. I love your elephant. Its headpiece is gorgeous. And I especially love your photo of the water colored with gold. What a striking shot! I dearly love Thailand and hope to return to it again someday. Have an enjoyable weekend. We don't have any real plans for the 4th, because we're recovering from Covid. I'm hoping I can get to Target tomorrow or Sunday and pick up some hotdogs. We're both okay with taking it easy at home, and we'll be able to see fireworks from our deck. Take care!

Cloudia said...

Your art is beautiful ❤️

Rain said...

I LOVE your pastel Andrea!!! It's beautiful. And all of the golden are so lucky to have visited Thailand! I don't think I'll ever leave Canada to be honest, my travelling days are over! ☺ Btw, David wrote a post about not being able to leave comments and he mentioned your blog was one of them. He asked that you check your spam folder to see if his comment got lost there!

NatureFootstep said...

Hi Andrea. Love your elephant. It is gorgeous and makes me a little jealous, this is one thing I´m not able to do.
The birds flying in the sunset reminded me of my travelling days. I have seen it in other countries but never in Sweden. I live in the wrong place. :(


 OMG! What transpired today in the Oval Office was unforgivable, unbelievable, despicable, ignorant and dangerous ... God Help Us!!!