Thursday, June 23, 2022

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Purple


This started out as a watercolor, but when I scanned it in, the colors didn't take ... so now it is a digitalized water color :)

I have been watching the January 6th Hearings and find myself angry and disgusted
at the behavior of the those who openly attempted to over through our democracy in the name of power and greed. In addition, they encouraged violence against those who disagreed or didn't succumb to their bullying demands ... Ordinary citizens(civil servants) called out by our President . Please tell me that these horrible people are in a minority and won't have the opportunity to try this again.  Does anyone really think an autocracy would be better then having freedom and the right to live our lives as we choose as long as we don't impose on other's freedoms.  Really?

I apologize for the rant, but I am truly infuriated ...

Andrea @ From the Sol


Valerie-Jael said...

Hi Andrea. You have a wonderful selection of purple with family, animals, flowers, butterflies and everything that's nice. On the other hand I, too was shocked to the core with the happenings from Jan 6th. That's not freedom, it was misuse of power and a huge number of stupids who were apparantly only to ready to destroy, cause terror and threaten death. And now we have the terror and aggression from Russia in Ukraine, so awful. Dictators who lie and cheat and always find people dumb enough to carry out their peverted ideas. We are living in crazy and dangerous times. Stay safe, hugs, Valerie

Carola Bartz said...

I love the purple flowers, and oh those butterflies!!!
I completely understand your rant - I am shocked as well as angry and infuriated. I don't understand how anybody can still support a man (and a party) that is behind all this and/or keep silent or plain deny it. What has become of our country? And how can we return to some common sense?

DVArtist said...

You nailed the purple theme beautifully. As for the hearings? I think it's BS. Why is there a hearing? Just because he was the former president? If you or I did half the things he has done and is still doing we would be in jail and having a trial. trumpass has gotten away with evil his entire life, his dad was even worse and his kids will carry on the evil. That's my rant for the day.

Linda Kunsman said...

Fantastic purple collage photos Andrea- those butterflies are gorgeous!

My name is Erika. said...

I am loving your take on purple. You have so many wonderful photos! And I am with you on that rant. I know now how dictators become dictators by getting people to blindly believe them. And bullying is everything that as a society we are trying to stop as a part of society, especially with young people, yet when the former president does it...The whole thing makes me afraid, sad and infuriated at the same time. That's my rant.

Christine said...

Lovely purples Andrea, I hope they helped cheer you up during these horrible hearings.

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you for the purple majesty.
I too watch the hearings in shock and in horror. And cringe at the thought of a come back...

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The whole world watches in horror and disbelief. It is really hard to recognize rhe United States any more - and now, even in the wake of Uvalde, the Supreme Court has made it even easier for people to carry weapons. This is all sheer madness. I have not visited the United States in ten years and I can't imagine myself ever doing so again.

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

You bring calm to us all Andrea with the beautiful of nature in their natural habitat along with the love of family and faithful pets. A chance to stop and take a breath and block out the wicked world that we live in with it's dictators, I understand your rant completely.. Stay safe and strong Tracey x

Tom said... sure have some regal purple in your garden, my clematis is in its glory too. Take care and enjoy your weekend.

NatureFootstep said...

Hi Andrea. Lots of things to like in your post today. Lovely girls having fun and beautiful butterflies among other things.

And I agree totally on your final rant. I find it hard to see how some americans behave. But it seems like power outweights freedom. :( :(

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful series of purple photos ~ gorgeous! ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)


 OMG! What transpired today in the Oval Office was unforgivable, unbelievable, despicable, ignorant and dangerous ... God Help Us!!!