Thursday, August 12, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Weather and Weather Lore

 Weather and Weather Lore

Stormy Weather
I thought you could listen to music as you peruse my post :)

If the air pressure is low, indicating bad weather, birds can't fly as high because the air is less dense.

This is my personal ground hog who lived on my hill when we lived by the lake.  He would come up to the yard to check out the droppings from the bird feeders ... and he ate my neighbor's veggie garden :(  He never predicted the weather though ...

And, I will end on a beautiful, sunshiny day ...

Andrea @ From the Sol


Taken For Granted said...

Lovely cloud series. Some of those storm clouds look ominous. Not everyone has their own personal Ground Hog.

Valerie-Jael said...

Your weather and weather lore photos are beautiful and varied. How lovely to have a ground hog visiting, we don't have them here. Have a great week, stay safe and well, hugs, Valerie

Rain said...

Hi Andrea!! I LOVED hearing Stormy Weather! How nice! :) I love your choices for the weather lore, I'd never heard of the sticky drawer one! I love how you illustrated it!!! It's very interesting about the birds flying low! I love all of your skies too, especially the rainbow....I keep thinking of "Mares tails and mackerel scales make tall ships take in their sails" when I see your cloud photos!!! I had a groundhog family living in my backyard many years ago, omg the babies were so cute, here's a photo of the "twins" though there were actually triplets, the little third fella didn't come out often! : Rain's Twins

Elephant's Child said...

I do love your take on this theme - and any day with a rainbow in it is automatically improved.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

If there is one constant in the lives of all of us it is the weather. We have to deal with it together, whatever it brings.

Rain said...

Hi Andrea! :) Loved your comment!!! :) I will send you an email with how I add a link to a photo in comments!!! :) (That's what you meant right??) :)

Tom said...

...oh Lena Horne, what a treat. If birds fly low expect rain and a blow, what a wonderful thought. It so dry here. Catchy drawer and sticky door, coming rain will pour and pour, that one is new to me. I don't know if rabbits or groundhogs are eating my garden. The sky can take on so many looks and you captured so many of them. Take care Andrea and enjoy your weekend.

NatureFootstep said...

wow, what a memory you must have. I had forgot about Lena Horne. Such a wonderful voice. :)

I was thinking about the swallows flyng low in bad weather. I have learned it is because the insects fly low when it rains. The birds follow their lunch. :)

Love the lore about March. :) I have heard something similar but dont remember what month it was.
You find so many things I would not think of. But that I remember when I see it. :)

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...