Thursday, August 26, 2021

Thursday Art Date With RAin ... Rough Textures

 Rough Textures

While you are looking at this rough pile of garbage ... find the cat :)

There is actually a bird in picture ... can you find it?

 Starting here in Switzerland ...

A swiss butterfly :)


This tree is laden with faces ... can you see them?

Switzerland ending here ...

Of course this could go on forever ... there are so many sources of rough everywhere, but I think you have the idea ... Happy Days ... stay safe 😉

Andrea @ From The Sol


Valerie-Jael said...

Hi Andrea, you have a fabulous selection of rough photos. I couldn't find the cat or the bird, sorry! But I did see the beautiful Swiss butterfly! Have a great week, stay safe! Hugs, Valerie

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you for this wonderful collection.

Christine said...

I knew you would do a wonderful job showcasing rough textures, well done Andrea!

NatureFootstep said...

so many rough textures. :)

I was not able to find the cat. Not even after enlarging the image. :)
My favorite among the lot is the table "bearded man".


Karen said...

I couldn't find the cat ~ The whole time I was thinking ~poor kitty!~ so many great texture examples. great job!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You do have a way of finding images to match a theme, in ways that most of us would never come up with!

Tom said...

...Andrea, you found so many rough textures. My favorites are the fireplace, the birdbath, the wood shed and all the stones. Take care, there are a lot of crazies out and about!

Fundy Blue said...

What a wonderful and varied collection of rough textures, Andrea. The geologist in me loves the glacier photos. The dogs romping in the snow is such fun, and the man with his little buddy is heartwarming. The iguana? horned lizard? really captures rough texture! I like all the cairns on the path as well. So many pictures here the t remind me of times in nature! Happy September to you!

CAAC said...


Thanks for stopping by my place. You really have the photo examples for this week's rough texture prompts and all are very good. I found that cat climbing on that pile of junk but barely did spot him. I also spotted the little bird in your photo. The wooden rooster reminded me of a craft project we did in Girl Scouts. Our scout leader had someone to cut a rooster head design from a sheet of thin wood and we'd used Elmer's Glue to pieces various types of beans, seeds, and popcorn to fill in the rooster head. That was a fun project! The wood carved bird feeder is really nice. I wouldn't have thought of a wooly sheep but I imagine their coat is rather rough to the tough. Fabulous job!

DVArtist said...

Sorry I'm late. These are great texture pieces.

Rain said...

I can't find the cat!!!!!! I looked so hard, my eyebrows furrowing with frustration, I hope you let us know where that sneaky feline is lol! I did see the bird and I saw many eyes in that tree...many old tree faces! I love seeing the dogs in the snow too. And the glacier that a geode behind the glass? Great photos from Switzerland!!! You made the theme proud!! ♥

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...