Thursday, July 29, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Musical


When it comes to music, my taste is all over the place so I am inserting several different YouTube Videos of some of my favorite music performers :)  My family was very musical.    My mother played the piano, my father played the harmonica and my sister and I both took piano lessons as children.  In addition I learned the violin through a program in our grade school.  Sadly, I didn't keep up on any of my musical talents unless you include dancing ... as for dancing, my mother taught Modern Dance (so you can be sure I learned it) and she also performed in the Faculty Orchesis Modern Dance Group at the University.  My parents were marvelous ball room dancers ... and, they taught me.  I love ball room dancing, but rarely get an opportunity to do it.  My FH played the Saxophone and Clarinet and My son played the organ and was in Glee Club.  So, though none of us use our talents today, we get our music fix by watching the bands we like on YouTube.  


A pastel done of a Ballet Dancer by my mother years ago ... Yes, I wish I had inherited her talents ... she was also a wonderful artist and I have several of her paintings on my wall.

Alternate Rock 

My Mother (L) in Orchesis ...

Hungarian Rhapsody 

Phantom of the Opera

My father playing his Harmonica ....

David Garrett on Violin

Still Love Led Zeppelin even as old poops :)

And, YES,
also old poops ...

My finale is Bugs (per Rain's tutorial) as a ballerina ... Not as good as Rain's, but a start in the right direction.
"That's All Folks"

Andrea @ From the Sol


DVArtist said...

Wow you nailed this theme. I had forgotten about the Riverdancers. They are just amazing. We also listen to all kinds of music here. From opera to Led Z. Have a great day.

Christine said...

Lovely musical post today Andrea!

Tom said...

...some music never loses its appeal. Keep on rocking.

Fundy Blue said...

I love this post, Andrea, the musical memories, the art, the photos, and the music. Well Done! Take care!

NatureFootstep said...

Hi Andrea. You certainly had lots of music in your family. I kind of envy you.
I loved to watch the Riverdance video. Have not seen any for several years. Not sure if there are still groups doing it.
Your Moms painting of the ballerina is gorgeous. Glad you have some of her paintings. I have some of my mothers. :)

And good you live in a rather safe area. :) I do too.
Take care!

CAAC said...


As much as I love music, I'm not too much into musicals these days. I seemed to enjoy them more when I was a kid for some reason. Of course, I've never been to a 'real' musical such as on Broadway. All the ones I've seen were TV versions The Wizard of Oz, The Sound of Music, and West Side Story instantly come to mind. We did buy the remake of "Phantom of the Opera" only because our then teenage daughters wanted to see the movie and this was the most affordable thing for us to do at the time. The music was really good. I like your artwork of your dad playing harmonica and you did a nice job on Bugs as a ballerina. Isn't it fun to sketch Looney Tunes? Thanks for sharing and for visiting, darlin'! Have a great week! ;)

Rain said...

Andrea you amaze me. Riverdance was such a big thing back in the day. I had an opportunity to go see it, but didn't and I regret it! And then I see Muse with Supermassive Black of my faves!!! :) Your mom's pastel is so impressive! Love the image of your father playing his harmonica! I love that you were all such a musical family! I love ANY version of Smooth Criminal but wowza...violin too! I was singing along with the music!!

AND YOU DID BUGS!!!!! Oh I'm so happy! Well done!!!!!!!!
You really made me happy that you followed the tutorial!!! Thank you Andrea! ♥

Rain Frances Creations ... Peripheral Vision

 Peripheral Vision I know what Peripheral Vision is, but for the life of me, I can't think of a good way to draw it :(   Hope you all ha...