Thursday, July 8, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... CrissCross


My boys (we refer to them as Da Boyz) are the masters of crisscross as you can see. 

And, of course, Izzi can't be left out ...

Then there is my gymnast granddaughter at about age 6 or 7

A few pieces from our antique collections (which we sold when we moved so that our son wouldn't be left with trying to figure out what to do with them)

And finally a few miscellaneous photos ...

oops, I lied ... two pieces of crisscrossy art :)

Andrea @ From the Sol


Gillena Cox said...

WOW, nice pieces. The plate is my favourite. Happy Thursday


Christine said...

Wonderful images as always Andrea!

Valerie-Jael said...

Hi Andrea, you have treated us to a wonderful cross cross selection. My faves today are your gorgeous cats and kitties, so beautiful. Thanks for sharing, hugs, Valerie

Elephant's Child said...

I always adore your take on the prompts - and am glad that you didn't leave Izzi out.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Creative use of the criss cross theme, One of my wife's sisters is moving to a retirement centre and is getting rid of "stuff" collected over the years. It's amazing how much there is!

Elkes Lebensglück said...

This is a great funny post with the Rain's topic. The choice is admirable whether cats or dogs,
Granddaughter also your drawn or digital works.
I wish you a good time, hugs - Elke

Tom said...

..great takes on criss cross! The tractor tires are something that I wouldn't have thought about. I love the gas pump globes, Sinclair is a brand I haven't seen in years!

Veronica Lee said...

Fascinating takes on criss cross! I especially love the turtles.

Rain said...

Hi Andrea! I LOVE when you share your photos...oh the kitties....that "action shot" of them is wild! Loved that. And the one where they are criss crossed on the cat tree. Our cats are so independent, they don't ever lie on top of each other and rarely share spaces. Your criss cross art is wonderful!!! This post made me smile!!! :)))

NatureFootstep said...

o dear, where do you find all images. So much cool photos and artwork. Love Da boyz and the image of your grand daughter. :) Those Boyz seem to have much fun together. Izzy is still a beauty.

Loved the post.
Take care!

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