Thursday, July 29, 2021
Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Musical
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Favorite Decade
There was the election of President Kennedy, who I followed and even heard him speak on our campus ... yes, I was in college at the University of Illinois.
The top picture is the Union Building. I would go there whenever I didn't have a class and meet with my friends over a cup of coffee and the best ever home made sweet rolls. I was there, in fact, when I heard about the assassination of President Kennedy. What a heart breaking experience ...😢
College life was wonderful and the best part of it was that I met my husband there. Life is full of surprises ... he was the roommate of a friend and we met briefly, but didn't really take an interest in each other until a year later. Once we started dating it was a given that we had a future together.
When finally out of college, there were weddings ... not only ours, but many of our friends :)
The picture on the bottom is my friend that I grew up with. Our Mothers were best friends and so we had known each other since grade school. Our birthdays are on the same day which has always been fun. She lives far from me now, but we never forget each other on our birthdays. Two things about the wedding picture of her on the wall ... first, it was painted by my sister and second if you look closely, you will note that her vail is the same as mine :) That is because it was the "something borrowed" in my wedding.
Thursday, July 15, 2021
Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Morning
And then Mornings as they are at my house every day ...
Thursday, July 8, 2021
Thursday Art Date With Rain ... CrissCross
A few pieces from our antique collections (which we sold when we moved so that our son wouldn't be left with trying to figure out what to do with them)
Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone
My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...

Link to Wild Bird Wednesday Wild Bird Wednesday # 54 I am taking some liberties with this post because it is not...
Birds and ... Female Downy Woodpecker American Kestrel Whooping Crane Coopers Hawk Killdeer White Pelican Meadowlark White Pelicans Sandhil...