Thursday, June 24, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Jump


Who doesn't remember the first time they jumped off the
 high dive?

Fear of heights is who I am ... can't even imagine  considering jumping out of a plane 😝

Oh to be young again ...
 I think😏

Another fun week with Rain ...

Andrea @ From the Sol


Elephant's Child said...

I love your take on Rain's challenge. I am ok with heights - it is small enclosed spaces which give me problems.

NatureFootstep said...

Hi Andrea, today you sent me right back to Toronto some 35 years back. I and my daughter had a skipping rope gym class for schoolgirls. We went to Toronto for a skipping camp to learn and have fun. And lots of fun we had.
We bought very long skipping ropes, 3 of them. Our most advanced trick was the three ropes as a star sith one girl jumping in each part of the ropes. 3 ropes. 6 girls jumping and 6 working the ropes. Never seen anyone doing that kind of trick before. Or later. I was rather good at skipping at that time.


NatureFootstep said...

I still skip every week :) :)

Christine said...

Wonderful jumping examples Andrea! You know a young man in his twenties lost his life jumping out of a parachute recently in our city.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

I love your funny way on the jump pages! Cool !!!
I still know jumping rope to several people well in my school days that I enjoyed doing it with others because I was so good because I wasn't an outsider in those moments I was happy in my heart and forgot everything else ... Thank you for this great memory .
Thank you for your loving comment to me, I was very touched by it and I am happy that you can take something with you!
I wish you a happy time Elke

DVArtist said...

Lots of good jumping here. Have a nice evening.

Tom said...

...fear of heights is who I am too, the older I get the worse it gets! Double Dutch is fabulous, how do they do it? It's all in the timing I guess. Andrea enjoy a wonderful summer weekend.

Rain said...

OMG those double dutch kids...could I ever skip and jump THAT fast???? I don't think so! Maybe if I was chased by a wild animal!!! I love your art, especially the one of you in the plane, that made me laugh Andrea! Great stuff! :)

Gillena Cox said...

Luv them all, i kept thinking i would see a jump rope respone. Here it is 😊 Thanks for dropping by my blog


Rain Frances Creations ... Peripheral Vision

 Peripheral Vision I know what Peripheral Vision is, but for the life of me, I can't think of a good way to draw it :(   Hope you all ha...