Thursday, June 10, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... In the Water

In the water naturally 

In the Water for fun ...

Reflections in the Water

Working in the Water

Art in the Water

I do a cartoon for my son at Christmas every year usually focusing on something that has happened to him during the year ... Just for fun :).  All of these are digital creations, some in a combination with sketches, some in combination with my photos.  We lived on a lake for 15 years after we retired so the hardest part of this prompt was limiting the number of photos ... and believe it or not, this is a limited amount of what I had to choose from :(  

Stay well, stay dry and enjoy the wonderful warm weather and the possibilities of our world starting to open up again.  And, don't be fooled ... stay safe :)

Andrea @ From the Sol


Elkes Lebensglück said...

I love your wonderful photos, whether animal or human, and art. Your digital world is awesome!
I can imagine that you have a large selection.
I wish you a good week, hugs Elke

Taken For Granted said...

You have great skill photographing wildlife around water. Interesting photos of birds, fish, frogs, turtles, and the Swans are spectacular.

Christine said...

Fantastic photos Andrea all so beautiful!

Elephant's Child said...

How I would love to live close to water. Thank you for this spectacular display.

Gillena Cox said...

Splendid, Bravo!!! Enjoyed allbyour responses to today's prompt


DVArtist said...

you nailed it. These are fabulous photos of in the water. Have a nice evening.

Tom said... many neat water images, you sure are on a roll. Enjoy a cool and refreshing weekend.

NatureFootstep said...

o dear, you must have had a great time goint through all of those photos. So many birds an animals and all shots of playing kids. It´s wonderful to see, Life when it is as its best.
Not to forget the art. Smiled at the pelicans with hats. :)

Take care!

Empire of the Cat said...

I enjoyed looking at all your photos, especially the watery inhabitants. Elle xx

Rain said...

Andrea, your digital art pieces are so much fun! I love your sense of humour, the shark one and the one over the falls made me really laugh! Your photos are so lovely, how nice to have lived on the lake so long. I love seeing all the turtles!!! :)

CAAC said...


Amazing job for 'in the water'. This time of year everyone wants to be in the water to keep cool. I'm not much of a swimmer but when I'm outdoors, what I wouldn't give to jump into a nice cool pool of water. Maybe our next home will have a pool or a community pool that I can enjoy. :)

Tom said...

...water is a magical gift of nature and you collected the the best of the best.

Rain Frances Creations ... Peripheral Vision

 Peripheral Vision I know what Peripheral Vision is, but for the life of me, I can't think of a good way to draw it :(   Hope you all ha...