Thursday, June 17, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Inventions


Without a doubt, the invention or discovery of the Corona Virus Vaccines have been the most notable inventions in our time.  Not just that the vaccines were developed, but that they were developed so quickly and so successfully.  The truth is that they relied on years of research done prior to Corona on another killer disease,  (HIV, Aids)  which should put at ease the people who didn't trust how quickly they were made available.  They are to be trusted and have shown to be effective and we should all be grateful.

I often think it would be awesome if I could invent a robot that could give me a good message on demand 😁

There are so many inventions one could choose from, but so little time ... This is the best I could do for this week.  Enjoy and stay safe :)

Andrea @ From the Sol


Elephant's Child said...

Smiling at the last - and agreeing with the first two.
I was thrilled to see that Rain featured you and your blog this week.
Stay safe, stay well.

NatureFootstep said...

lol, your post was good enough. :) I really would love a massaging robot too.
A great idea. :)

Christine said...

Great idea on the coronavirus vaccine. Congrats on being featured at Rain’s today!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I simply had to stop by and admire what you had created this week. Not just HIV/Aids, this vaccine was also successful in the SARS epidemic. I loved what you chose for inventions, though. For me, the best invention was ZOOM!!

Rain said...

Andrea, this was such a cute and funny post! I love your sense of humour and your art! LOL at the robot...I'd LOVE a massaging robot!!!

Elkes Lebensglück said...

A great contribution and I agree what a great invention there are and I would also like to have such a robot with me!
Super important and fun post!
Congratulations on Rain presentation!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

If people would follow the science and not pay heed to stupid, hyperbolic, untruthful politicians and wild conspiracy theories we would have a far better society, and not just as it relates to COVID.

Tom said...

...Andrea you nails it! But so many in this country don't believe in science, what a sas state of affairs. Take care and enjoy your weekend.

DVArtist said...

I am laughing. A great post that I enjoyed very much. Have a great day.

baili said...

thanks for laugh :)
i am here from Rain's place
you have amazing blog and delightful sharing indeed

Little Wandering Wren said...

What I really need is a robot that can come and find me in Thailand and give me the vaccine! Enjoyed your post Andrea off to cheer you on at Rain's
Wren x

CAAC said...


That scientist looks a little crazy or maybe he's just excited. Anyway, that's a great illustration for 'inventions' prompt. Oh yes a robot to give a message on demand, now that's what I'm talking about!! Ha-Ha, inventing an excuse! That's a good one.

Belated congrats for being the featured artist on TADwR, my friend. Great job!!

Rain Frances Creations ... Peripheral Vision

 Peripheral Vision I know what Peripheral Vision is, but for the life of me, I can't think of a good way to draw it :(   Hope you all ha...