Thursday, June 24, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Jump


Who doesn't remember the first time they jumped off the
 high dive?

Fear of heights is who I am ... can't even imagine  considering jumping out of a plane 😝

Oh to be young again ...
 I think😏

Another fun week with Rain ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Inventions


Without a doubt, the invention or discovery of the Corona Virus Vaccines have been the most notable inventions in our time.  Not just that the vaccines were developed, but that they were developed so quickly and so successfully.  The truth is that they relied on years of research done prior to Corona on another killer disease,  (HIV, Aids)  which should put at ease the people who didn't trust how quickly they were made available.  They are to be trusted and have shown to be effective and we should all be grateful.

I often think it would be awesome if I could invent a robot that could give me a good message on demand 😁

There are so many inventions one could choose from, but so little time ... This is the best I could do for this week.  Enjoy and stay safe :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... In the Water

In the water naturally 

In the Water for fun ...

Reflections in the Water

Working in the Water

Art in the Water

I do a cartoon for my son at Christmas every year usually focusing on something that has happened to him during the year ... Just for fun :).  All of these are digital creations, some in a combination with sketches, some in combination with my photos.  We lived on a lake for 15 years after we retired so the hardest part of this prompt was limiting the number of photos ... and believe it or not, this is a limited amount of what I had to choose from :(  

Stay well, stay dry and enjoy the wonderful warm weather and the possibilities of our world starting to open up again.  And, don't be fooled ... stay safe :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...