Thursday, May 13, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Cookies


This is my version of the Cookie Monster ... never ... never leave a cookie near the edge of the counter or table in our house :)

"I never ...."


Andrea @ From the Sol
It runs in the family :)


Elkes Lebensglück said...

I am amused by the portrayal of the stolen biscuit from the dog, the paintings and photos are fabulous. Of course, the family member also eats the biscuit.
I wish you a beuatiful week, hug Elke

DVArtist said...

Ha ha ha cute post. Love that it runs in the family. Have a great day.

Elephant's Child said...

Big, big smiles.
At both of you.

Christine said...

Such cute cookie monsters!

Taken For Granted said...

Wonderful shots of your funny dog. We all like cookies, and I've found an opposable thumb helps in picking them up off the counter.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love your take on the cookie monster. It's great you even showed the evidence of the theft. Of course I loved seeing you also downing a cookie, too. I knew you would come up with something clever,

Tom said...

...every family has at least one Cookie Monster!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

To answer your question about grad school, I have a Ph.D. in Human Factors. It's a cross between Engineering and Psychology. Thanks for asking, Andrea,

You might be interested to know that while in grad school, I had to design a work station for nurses on a surgical recovery floor. It was a really good design where they could sit to fill out their paperwork, or stand to write brief notes on certain patients. It could be rolled between rooms in the hallway, too. NOW everyone would be carrying a tablet and do the updates instantly that way. Times change and so does technology. Jobs stay the same, though.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

To "Curious as a Cathy" Sadly your comment section was closed to those of us who are late comers. I hope, if you come to comment on my blog, I can catch your attention. I loved your post this week. It was full of fun stuff ... a cookie in each hand (by the way, I don't know anyone who can stop at two potato chips :). Happy Birthday to your Daughter ... 31 years old. My youngest is 49 ... what does that tell you about me? Anyway the Madonna song and video "Dance" was suuuuuperb!!! Loved it all Cathy just sorry your blog master wouldn't let us tell you :( See you next week and I will try to get to you early enough to post a comment ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

CAAC said...


I'm sorry there was an issue leaving a comment on my Thursday post but apparently it's working now. Who know what happens with technology? Thanks for the birthday wishes for my daughter. Your painting of your pup stealing a cookie on the counter top is excellent. Smart dog! You're only as young as you feel at heart, so don't worry that your birth certificate says something different. :) Plus, I think you're pretty amazing! Thanks for dropping by my niche. Have a good weekend, dearie! xoxo

NatureFootstep said...

love your cookie monster :)
She is really sweet in the 3:rd photo. What a beautiful shot. :)

You seem to be a cookie monster too. :) :)

I have got the first shot. Second will be in June first!

Still feeling well. Hope you do too.

Tine de Jong said...

Hello andrea, I also come to visit you once though I read your blogs regularly. Here also a smile came around my lips because when our dog was alive no cookie was safe on the table either. But I also call my husband that way sometimes because when it's his turn to do the shopping. Then he never takes small cookies but those big ones. That's how he got the nickname you wrote. It is a beautiful dog and the picture that he licks after is really superr.

Rain said...

Ha ha ha...I love that last photo! I'm sure there were many photo ops in my lifetime where I could be caught on camera chowing down on cookies! I love your little cookie monster! :)

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...