Thursday, May 6, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Cake


Marie -Antoinette, The Queen of France during the French Revolution ... As the story goes, "Let Them Eat Cake" was Marie-Antoinette's response upon being told that her starving peasant subjects had no bread.

When we lived on the lake, there was a bakery call "Lovin'

Oven" in town that made the best cakes and decorations (above and below) ...

 This cake was made for the Chicago Flower and Garden Show that is held once a year at Navy Pier.  Sadly , we don't live close to them any more ... but, on the other hand, it is probably a good thing as I am trying to diet to lose my Covid lock down fat 😝  All for now ... Hope you are all doing well and getting your vaccines ... it is important that everyone get their vaccine, right?   

Andrea @ From the Sol


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I coouldn't wait to see what you created for Rain's cake theme. I made log rolls a couple of times, but didn't consider them cake. DUH!!!! Loved that Lovin in the Oven cake they created at the Flower and Garden show. That was impressive.

BTW, I am NOT Bleubeard's mom. His mom lived in a garage in a different city. I'm just his (and Squiggles') staff!

Elderberry-Rob said...

some amazing cakes here! and, yes, great minds do think alike - Marie Antoinette - I do wonder if she really said that you know!

Taken For Granted said...

What amazing cake decorations. The Peacock cake is spectacular, and the bottom log cake is such fun. I don't live near Navy Pier any more either. Thank you for sharing your photos.

Elephant's Child said...

Some of those cakes look far too good to eat - delicious as they no doubt were.

DVArtist said...

Those are some amazing cakes. I have actually seen the Peacock cake and cup cakes in real like. It is gorgeous. Have a nice day.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

*wow* that are wonderful cakes!!!!
I also have to pay more attention to my line now.
I'm still waiting for my 1st vaccination, which is quite annoying.
I wish you a nice week! hugs Elke

Debra She Who Seeks said...

OMG, that peacock cake with its cupcakes tail! So creative and attractive!

Christine said...

Fantastic cake post Andrea, I am drooling!

NatureFootstep said...

wow, I have never seen that many gorgeous cakes. The peacock one, stunning but they all are.

I am not sure I would taste any of them, I would not want to destroy them. :)

Glad you liked my post. Not sure about exhibition. I have a few to share but it depends on if the area is booked and of course of the C situation.
About the juniper buttons I´ll try to remeber to take a shot of some of them and share it.
Take care!

Tom said...

..."Let The Eat Cake," is a memorable saying in history. You have a fabulous collection, but the peacock is my favorite. I hope that you will have a sweet weekend.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I remember going to an event a few years ago, where the cake was a work of art. I can't imagine what it must have cost - all to be cut up and eaten!

by EAGHL said...

Let me eat cake but not any of that beautiful cake. How can they cut into it?

CAAC said...


It's amazing to see what some people can do with cake decorating. The peacock cake is absolutely wonderful! The Grumpy Cat head is quite good. Did you make it? The bunny cake and the cats ontop the sheet cake is nice, too. I think it would be lots of fun to take a cake decorating class sometime to learn how to do things a little easier. Most of what I do is learned the hard way but I have fun doing it and all of my cakes were always made without a cake mold which would've been nice to have. Unfortunately in those early years finances were tight so I didn't feel right about buying a specialty pan for one time when I could figure out how to make it work without spending extra money. That tree cake at the end is incredible. The baker is quite talented! I'm with you. I, too am trying to lose some unwanted pounds. I need to stay more focused. It's going to be difficult with Rain's stint of baked goods as art prompts this month. lol Thanks for visiting, darlin'. Have a good day!

Rain said...

Wow...that tree cake is amazing!!! :) I love the peacock cake/cupcakes too! This was a fun post Andrea!! :)

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