Thursday, March 4, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Creases


The young and the old ... creases play a roll in everyone's life at some time or another.  My old lady is just an old lady, no one that I know and the young lady is another of my attempts at a Jane Davenport drawing without the swirling hair :)  Fun as always ... Rain's TAD is keeping my emotional head above water each week ... thank you to Rain and all of her fun followers :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

P. S.  Let me remind you again ... I often don't get the opportunity to write comments until the weekend.  By that time you all have stopped looking for new comments and so 1) you miss reading mine and  2)  you think I never comment on your wonderful art ... take a peek later in the week.  There is a good chance I have left a comment :)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Great creases in both cases!

Ella said...

Nice done Andrea!
They are both in the creases ... LOL

Elephant's Child said...

Lovely. And I resemble the first much more than the second.

NatureFootstep said...

I love both ladies. There is wisdom in one and hope for the future in the other. Thats life.
Take care!

Christine said...

Lovely creases Andrea!

DVArtist said...

Very nicely done. I love that face. Have a great evening.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Impressively, imaginatively fold your pages for topic! I love your women!
Have a beautiful day, hug Elke

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

How sad would life be without creases they tell so many tales. I always think an aged face with it's crinkles and wrinkles holds much wisdom. I did smile about the Jane Davenport comment regarding the without the swirling hair, it's hard not to go with the flow when drawing longer styles hee hee..
Great work, may you week be ever creative Tracey xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Your old lady is quite wonderful. You have captured the dignity of aging so well.

CAAC said...


We were thinking along the same line in what to draw. Like you, my elderly lady was no in particular. I saw an illustration and based mine from it and as you know I tried replicating vintage pinup girl artist's painting. I love both of your art pieces - the fabulous character in the older woman's face and the pleated style long dress of the second! Thanks for dropping by to check out my art. Have a glorious weekend, darlin' friend!

Phil Slade said...

Two quite different creases Andrea. So I like the both, but equally. Perhaps the second wins it on colour and sheer originality.

Tom said... we age creaces become a fact of life and you captured them well. Be well Andrea.

Rain said...

I'm sure everyone sees your lovely comments Andrea!! :) Your "creases" are lovely. I much prefer the crease of an aged soul! :)

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...