Thursday, March 11, 2021

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Space

 S  p  a  c  e

These are both altered public domain pictures showing
that there are many kinds of space to consider.

This is the earth taken from the moon when our astronauts were the first to step foot on the moon.  It has always been a favorite of mine and I hope that our earth can continue to look blue and beautiful ... do you know what your carbon footprint is?  We all need to work to save the earth :)  This was done in pastel on black paper then( of course) digitalized in Pick Monkey.

 Hope all is well ... I have completed both of my vaccine shots and finally went for a badly needed hair cut this week.  Slowly we are working our way out of this pandemic ... finally.  It is good to have leadership at the helm :)

Andrea @ From the Sol


Elkes Lebensglück said...

Space a great contribution to Rain's theme. Take up space no matter where the virus has taken up too much space.
Nice to read that you have your second vaccination and all the best with the maintenance of your car and have fun cutting your hair when you have an appointment, hug Elke

Elephant's Child said...

I love your take on Rain's prompts - and am very glad you have had your shots.

Christine said...

I knew you would have a lovely take on the space theme, well done Andrea! So glad you got your shots, we are delayed in Canada unfortunately.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I LOVE your take on space. I never thought of social distancing, but you put it in such a contemporary setting. I also love the other ways you showed space. I really love your blue earth drawing. It is fantastic. I agree our carbon footprints need to lessen. It's amazing how when other countries were on lockdown, so many wonderful things happened, like rivers cleared and soil settled. It's incredible what we have done to our planet and I'm glad you recognize that.

Glad you got your shots, too, dear.

Kokopelli said...

Great take on space and the different versions of "space"! Love your earth painting. Yes, we really need to protect our home planet. So far we only have this one. And yay for you and that you have completed your vaccination! Stay safe!

Gillena Cox said...

Very nice response to the SPACE prompt


David M. Gascoigne, said...

As you say we need to get serious about Mother Earth and begun to remediate the damage we have done to her. Great news that you have received your shots. Maybe by the end of the year life will resemble what we knew as normal again.

Phil Slade said...

You chose some excellent space for rain's theme Andrea. I think we have lived through a wonderful time of space exploration where our lovely Earth is just a tiny dot in a huge, perhaps never ending continuum. I'm ready for a haircut too. My head is getting heavy!

Ella said...

I don't like the social distance at all ...
I will love to see the Earth from the moon ...
Don't have an invitation for the vaccinations yet ... maybe I'll get one before the end of the year ...
Have a nice weekend!

Tom said...

...who would have thought that space would involve keeping your distance from others. Particularly those you love. We received our second shot this week, but I'm holding off on the barber. Perhaps I'll have a braid.

CAAC said...


I wondered if someone might share social distancing space. I wished people would practice it all the time not when there's a crisis dictating safe distance. Great examples for Rain's prompt. Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a doodletastic week. ;)

Rain said...

I love your art pieces Andrea! I have to say, the last year taught me a lot about personal space. I find myself walking a huge circle around anyone who comes near me now...there is so much more to space than "outer"! But I do love your Earth piece. I have been trying gradually over the years to reduce my carbon footprint as much as possible. It's a life's work! :)

DVArtist said...

Your art is wonderful. I love how you depicted the theme.

NatureFootstep said...

nice take on the theme. :)
I like the puzzle pieces. It is a good one. And so is the moon/earth piece.
Have no idea of what my carbon footprint is. For my personal thing it is not much I think, only petrol.
Take care!

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...