Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain

 Crops and Farming

We went to the Queen's Gardens in Chiang Rai.  This is only a touch of it ... they also had all kinds of flowers and flowering trees. The Tea Plantation is only a few miles away.  They have a restaurant with recipes made from tea ... there were some  amazing sweets.  And, of course, there were rice fields everywhere that we passed as we drove to different destinations.

We have orchards all around us so every year (except for this year) we go cherry and berry picking and yes, even apple picking though I haven't included it here.

My DIL (Daughter-in-Law) comes from a family of farmers so when she came over here, she brought her skills with her.

Thai cucumbers are awesome, big, juicy and sweeter than our cucumbers.  Everyone was surprised at their size ... as you can see on my neighbors facial expression.

But, needless to say, my DIL's favorite crop is the Thai pepper.  Sometimes when she cooks our eyes water and we  have to cough.  Hot is hot and then there is Thai Hot!

At this house we have a farm in our back yard.  This is last years harvest of corn.  This year they planted beans, but haven't harvested them yet.  I love watching them and they go on into the night with lights on their tractors.  

To me a farm isn't a farm without a barn yard.  I love all of the animals so I had to include some of them in this post
This post could go on forever.  I live in the Midwest where farming is everywhere ... mostly miles and miles of corn and bean fields, but also farm animals.  My father was a Professor in Horticulture and my mother grew up on a farm so we always had crops growing in our back yard.  I also have wonderful memories of going to the University farms and walking through the barns,  watching, talking to and petting the animals.  It is in my blood and I love everything about farming ... except, at my age, I was glad to let my DIL take over the garden part :)

So all of you stay well and do what you need to do to be safe.  Also don't forget to have some fun.  These are difficult times so we need to put our best foot forward to get through it all ... and laughter is always good for the soul.  

Andrea @ From the Sol


Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful post with wonderful pictures. I love picking strawberries, blueberries and blackberries, it's always fun. I've never seen cucumbers like your daughter in law's, oh my, I would love to taste them. But not peppers are not my cup of tea! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

Elkes Lebensglück said...

It's so nice to see how she lives with your daughter-in-law and also builds on everything. Oh yes, I also have a lot of apples, pears, raspberries, strawberries, cherry fields, it always looks wonderful.
Chili pepper that is hot but healthy.
Farm also applies to me to see animals and you showed that so nicely with the picture here.
Have a good time and take care of yourself and stay healthy.hug, Elke

Christine said...

Wonderful farm post Andrea

Elephant's Child said...

Loving (of course) your take on Rain's prompt.

NatureFootstep said...

Beautiful farming in your post. Lots of berries. Both colorful and tasty. :)
Never heard the expression barn yard. But I got the message quickly :) I think your pig looks happy :)

Jackie McGuinness said...

A fun post, Andrea. Love the last picture.
I loved Thailand and it is on my list to visit again, if we can ever travel!!

I always have red Thai peppers in my fridge!

CAAC said...


My grandparents always had a garden and they had some livestock - pigs, chickens, and horses. I can't recall if they had a cow. When I was little I remember helping out in the garden. It was hard, hot, and dirty work. I liked helping grandma gather the eggs but I hated the chickens flying in the coop. Sometimes they'd get tangled in my long hair which scared me to death. I liked hearing the rooster crow when I stay overnight. I couldn't see the sun which confused me to why they made noise but I guess they could see the sun rise before I did. I'm thankful for those memories. That cucumber your DIL grew is ginormous! I love cucumbers!! :) Great post. Thanks for causing me to remember a piece of my childhood. Have a delightful evening, dearie!

Rain said...

Hi Andrea :)) I love your Barn Yard art, what a happy little piggie! :) I really like how you presented your photos in the mosaics! HOT peppers??? I think I would keel over...I can't handle even black pepper lol...and holy cucumbers! Wow! That looks like a melon!!!

DVArtist said...

Wow this is an amazing garden, farming. Love the chili art. PS. in my Halloween party there is candy all over the floor. Have a great day.

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...