Thursday, September 17, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain ... Architecture


Listening to this video will tell you that the beliefs are as beautiful as the architecture of this House of Worship.

I have always been drawn to architecture ... especially old or even ancient buildings. There is so much more I could add to this post, but I have run out of time.  Hoping this finds you all well and finding ways to be happy in this unhappy world.  

Andrea @ From the Sol


Valerie-Jael said...

You have collected some wonderful examples of architecture. My faves today are the Frank Lloyd Wright House and the Bahai Temple. I visited a Bahai Temple in Haifa, Israel, and it was a wonderful experience, full of beauty, peace and harmony. I wish you a good week with beauty and harmony- Stay safe, hugs, Valerie

Christine said...

Thanks for sharing this educational architecture post, wonderful images and videos.

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you.
And you are so right about the Bahai faith.

DVArtist said...

These are simply beautiful places. You have represented so many different cultures and designs. Great post.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I apologize for taking so long to visit. It was definitely beyond my control. I'm trying to catch up, but it's harder than I actually imagined it would be.

You have some incredible art today. I was so happy to see you have shown so many of the Chicago museums. I've been to all of them and the Merchandise Mart. I've not seen the Bean, because it was built/created since I was last there.

You have shared so many wonderful places and that Bahai Temple is lovely.

I have never been inside the Frank Lloyd Wright home in Wichita. They want $15.00 to tour the home and grounds, which I find a bit steep for a view of the home. I enjoyed seeing the one in IL, though.

Had to laugh at what you said about being well traveled. I've been to every state in the lower 48 and Mexico, but all those journal pages have images from various travel magazines.

Thanks for bringing back great memories of my various times I've been to Chicago, too, dear.

Soma @ said...

Photos of beautiful places and such varied architectures. Thanks for sharing.


Gillena Cox said...

Beautiful photos


CAAC said...


I would love to visit Switzerland and her neighboring countries. In northern Georgia there's a little town called Helen. The city's website describes as the charm of Bavaria in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. It's a lovely place anytime but especially at Christmas.

I didn't watch the Bahai vid in regular speed, I fast-forwarded through the frames to look at the images. The ornateness is amazing! From a distance the dome reminds me of lacy fabric. I will go back to watch it normal and with sound to learn more. :)

The Bean (nickname) is a interesting structure. I've seen this before perhaps you shared it in the past. I got curious to know more about this sculpture which is called Cloud Gate. I don't get that, it definitely looks like a bean, not a cloud. Wiki says the artist was inspired by liquid mercury and the sculpture's surface reflects and distorts the city's skyline. I'm really surprised that the city allowed such a sculpture with mercury be placed in the public. I'd be concerned that something would go wrong. If I'm ever in Chicago then I would like to see it. :)

I enjoyed browsing through your examples for this week's art theme - excellent job! Have a doodletastic weekend! ;)

ashok said...

Amazing post...

NatureFootstep said...

so many mosaics of gorgeous architectures. You really found a lot on your travels. I have visited central Europe but that was many years ago.
I almost thought you created this post for "Mosaic Monday". It would fit nicely to that meme. :)
Take care!

Elkes Lebensglück said...

You have put together wonderful architectural buildings, one more beautiful than the other.
I wish you a nice day, Elke

Rain said...

Hi Andrea! :) Oh such nice photos today! I love the Frank Lloyd Wright Robie House. Oh that bean! How neat! Thanks for sharing that and the rest of the Chicago architecture! :)

Jackie McGuinness said...

Love all these examples of great architecture. I've been to some of them. I also have a fascination with Frank Lloyd Wright!

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 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...