Thursday, September 3, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain

Old Masters

DaVinci is not known for his animal drawings, but, of course, when I discovered he drew cats, I had to try my hand at it.  DaVinci is among my favorite artists and certainly my favorite genius.  

DaVinci Original

 Chachi as a VanGogh

Chachi as a Kandinsky

Chachi as a Gouguin
I took a curly tailed picture of my cat, Chachi, to Photo Funia and did a little Old Masters experimenting :)

Picasso is another favorite of mine ... I know, I have broad taste in art.  But, of course, I drew a Picasso cat doing what no one would want him to be doing ...

Picasso Original
Wow, that's all I could find time for this week.  Next week is going to be even busier as my daughter has doctor's appointments and a dentist appointment.   We are also going solar on our house so that is going to involve changing all of our lights to LED to maximize the savings.  Busy, Busy Little Bee ... (I wish little ... I have been on the Covid diet, i.e. eat out of stress and boredom.  If Covid doesn't get me, my pigging out will :( ) Hope you all have a good week and are doing all you can to stay safe.  I get very discouraged when I go out to the store and see people walking around, no mask, no distancing,  just ignorant selfishness.  UggggH!  Sorry, I needed to vent :)  Be well All ...

Andrea @ From the Sol


Valerie-Jael said...

Love your cats as painted by various artists, great idea. And yes, Leonardo is my absolute fave, too, what a genius he was. Sorry you have so many time consuming commitments, hope things soon get better. And we have the same crazies over here, saying they don't need masks, Covid is harmless, and Bill Gates is to blame....Einstein said that the difference between genius and stupidity is that genius is limited...stay safe, hugs, Valerie

Elkes Lebensglück said...

* wow * your cat is fantastic and your Picasso cat is great too. Did you do wonderful for the topic.
You have a lot to do this week and I find that outrageous towards other people without a mask in the store. I am glad that everything works out for me in the shops.
I wish you all the best with your tasks and stay safe and healthy, hugs Elke

Christine said...

I did not know Da Vinci drew cats! Beautiful cat and Picasso inspiration too! Very angering on the masks! In Toronto we have to wear them indoors now.

Elephant's Child said...

Vent all you need. Sometimes it is an essential.
Good luck with your busy, busy week.
My heart breaks when I remember that Van Gogh sold ONE painting in his lifetime.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

When I first saw this prompt, I immediately thought of you. Seriously. I've visited the Chicago Art Institute at least a dozen times. I thought how lucky you were to have access to such incredible old masters. I remembered the El Grecos that were as tall as the room that I saw the first time I was there and how once, when my friend Joseph and I went, I introduced him to Georges Seurat's “A Sunday on La Grande Jatte.”

I also got to see several more of Monet's haystacks and lots of other Impressionists. I personally have always felt when it came to art museums, Chicago had some of the best. Even better than LACMA and at least EQUAL to the Smithsonian. I envy you, even though I suspect you are unable to visit any of the fun museums in Chicago during this time.

I love how you interpreted your cat, Chachi being painted by an old master. I have never used Photo Funia, but have created a few similar images of Bleubeard at Big Huge Labs. I'm so glad you also focused on daVinci. I had NO idea he painted cats until you told me. You have made this a fun and enjoyable Old Masters post!!

NatureFootstep said...

Your cat Chachi seems to have many hidden personalities. :)

I really like the first DaVinci drawing. It is gorgeous!

I think most people in Sweden keeps their distances. But it seems hard when they have to travel by bus to work or school. Time will tell if it increases the no of infections.

I stay away from buses. :)
Take care.

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...