Thursday, July 23, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain


Some of the faces aren't human faces and most of them, especially in the trees, are so subtle, I would suggest you click to enlarge and maybe you will see them better.  Don't feel bad if you don't see them, I always see faces in things that others don't see :)

 I see a grouchy Ninja ... :)

 Say Ahhh ...

I have more that I remember, but can't find them in my scrambled up picture files (it happened when we transferred them to my new computer:(  so maybe another time.  Meanwhile, stay home, wear a mask if you go out and be safe :)

Andrea @ From the Sol


Barbara said...

I also have “pareidolia” — its a thing! However, your photos are HARD. I stuck with it though and got all but a few. Squinting seems to help me differentiate lights and darks which can help. I don’t know why, but the food on a spoon made me smile!

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful photos Andrea. My faves today are the 2nd tree pic, the smiling light-bulb and the wonderful sunflower. Well done on finding such beauties, and thanks for the smiles you gave me when I looked at your pics. Have a great week, take care, hugs, Valerie

Gillena Cox said...

Great response to the prompt. Happy Thursday


Elkes Lebensglück said...

It's true that you can see a face everywhere, sometimes weakly or stronger, and you have great, interesting photos of it. I looked at everything closely. The trees did it to me, but I actually smoke the light bulb and how it lights up amuses me.
You implemented it cool again, thank you.
Hav3e a beautiful week and, take care, hugs Elke

Elephant's Child said...

Loving your photos. I see some faces and not others, but thoroughly enjoyed scrolling through anyway.

Christine said...

These are all so amazing, you have wonderful observation skills Andrea!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I saw faces in all but two of these. You can find faces I don't see and I thought I saw a lot in nature, too. This is an incredible post, Andrea. I am totally in awe of all these photos of "faces" you found.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I saw some faces but not them all. great collection of shots.

DVArtist said...

It was fun looking for the faces. I saw them all or at least what my eye saw was a face. LOL Have a great weekend.

NatureFootstep said...

o, dear, you find faces all over the place. Some obvious, some a bit harder to find. Even in the apple. :) Was that on purpose?? Fun anyway!
Take care!

Rain said...

Hi Andrea! :)) I saw EVERY SINGLE ONE and probably more lol...I see faces in trees and objects just like you do! I loved the apple by the way, that was my favourite! Great photos! I'm so glad you shared them. Loved the grouchy ninja too lol! :)

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