Thursday, July 30, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain


Who among us hasn't had a dream of falling then waking up with a start?  

Some of these pictures are of my "descendants" :) but they are all descending in one way or another.  Seems like I have too many this time ... hope you don't get bored.  Stay well my friends, we are still floundering in the USA.  God help us ...

Andrea @ From the Sol


Karen said...

Not bored at all! I love all the critters and the humans too ~ so many great examples ~ Enjoy the weekend ahead

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful selection of photos and pictures. Have a good week, stay safe, hugs,Valerie

Rain said...

Hi Andrea :)) I LOVE all of your photos!!! NOT too many at all. My favourites are the animal photos, especially the raccoons! Oh yes, I've had those falling dreams as well, I wake up in a panic trying to find out where I am lol! I love the drawing of the watering can, poor kitty lol! Great post!! :)

Christine said...

wonderful examples of descent here Andrea, beautiful photos.

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Fabulous selection Andrea, all as interesting as the next. The girl falling made me gasp I've felt that feeling many times before within a dream and always wondered what it meant(?) The sloping road is so atmospheric.
Thanks for sharing with us all. Stay safe in these troubled times Tracey x

DVArtist said...

All I can say is, "WOW" A fantastic selection of descent.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

You presented the topic wonderfully, fabulous the photos and the picture!
Unfortunately I got a wrong word from google about the topic
Greetings Elke

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Sorry I'm so late visiting. I love the cat photos. The one of the cat on thetable is priceless and the one of the cat descending from the window ledge is wonderful. I was truly impressed with all your incredible photos. You have some really wonderful examples, that's for sure. You always impress me with what you see behind your camera lens.

CAAC said...


I apologize for the slow return visit. My brain seems to stay in a fog some days. Your take on Rain's art prompt is great. I remember frequently having dreams where I'm falling. I haven't had any dreams like that in quite sometime, though. *knock on wood* The photo capture of the water spilling downward is interesting. Is that taken from inside a cave? If so, I wouldn't like to be in a place like that at all. I don't like closed in places. That being said, being at home for months on end hasn't bothered me. Isn't that weird? Thanks for dropping by, my friend. Have a wonderful Sunday!

NatureFootstep said...

no way I am getting bores with your posts. I have to say you found a lot more ways to decend then I did. :) Loved to see the girl in gym class. Made me remember days long gone :)

Soma @ said...

Fabulous selection! The cats and the glacier are my favourites.


Kokopelli said...

Not bored at all! Love your photos. And yes, that falling dream..... I think we all had it once or more in our lives. *LOL*

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