Thursday, February 27, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain

Leaps & Bounds
I miss the days when my granddaughter was a gymnast ... but I still have my pictures to remind me of how awesome she was ... :)

This was fun ... though you won't catch me leaping or bounding.  At my age I walk, quickly sometimes, but always carefully :)

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Thursday Date With Rain

Wisdom of the Ages

There is so much wisdom floating around out there, it is hard to know what to draw from.  As I have a smidge of Native American blood in me, I am choosing to share some of the Native American wisdom which evolves from their knowledge and love of the earth and the heavens.

This wisdom is so pertinent to today's political atmosphere where the people only follow those news stations and social media that reflect their views and as a result ... walk in the dark.  It will be our undoing I am afraid.

Sadly our warriors need our sacrifices and too many don't get it ... the suicide rate among out troops and veterans is high and the services needed to help them don't seem to be readily available .

And only man pollutes the air without conscience all in the name of profit ... sadly the skies and the earth will fall victims to our ignorance and indifference.

"I do not think the measure of a civilization is how tall its buildings of concrete are. But rather how well its people have learned to relate to their environment and fellow man."
                                                                                                                                                                      Sun Bear of the Chippewa Tribe

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain


Love can be many things, but the love between a man and a woman, a mother and father and their children, that is the most wondrous love  ... but it can also be the source of the deepest pain.  I hope that all of you share in a glorious, loving relationship with whomever you choose ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Thursday Art Date With Rain

I am focusing on my trips to Switzerland and Thailand since I rarely if ever take pictures of my own meals.  Once upon a time I loved gourmet cooking, but when I had children my meals became simple and practical ... hardly Photo worthy.  After my children were grown, I was busy with other things, so my meals remained simple and practical ... still not photo worthy :)  My mother was a real gourmet and she cooked all kinds of fun and different foods.  When I see what Rain cooks for herself and her husband, I think I would love to have her cooking all of that for me ... but, as that will never happen, I am substituting everyone and everything else's dining ... Enjoy :)

Some of you have probably seen these before ... the food was served to us in Switzerland, but I doctored the pictures for a humorous post ... And yes, had Izzi been in Switzerland with me she would have loved one or both of those Sundaes.

 At this market you go from booth to booth and get what you want then find a table and eat.  We ate there almost every night when we were in Phuket because it was so good, especially the fresh fruit smoothies ...

My son was married here in the United states to a beautiful girl from Thailand, then the next year they had another wedding in Thailand for her family.  I was lucky enough to be there and the food was wonderful, mainly because they were kind enough to make some without the hot peppers for me  and my guests, Ha!

As unpleasant as some of these pictures may seem, they are dining in their own special way.  
Bon Appetit!

Andrea @ From The Sol

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...