Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Thursday Art Date With Rain


This was just playing with a picture that had several different textures.  I always see things that aren't really there, but love developing them into something everyone can see ... 

Is there texture in the wind and the sunshine?  I believe there is though it may be beyond our ability to see it.  

This started out as a mushroom ... and I suppose it remains a mushroom, though of a different sort :)

I will spare you the details of what this really is, though I can go so far as to describe it as a mucoid strand.  The butterfly is just for contrast and a different version of texture.  

As art is a favorite pastime in this household it seems to come naturally that my Granddaughter, Poppy, would sprout her artist wings in many ways.  Yesterday, she won the district wide "Character Counts" t-shirt contest and was presented with a certificate and a check for her efforts.  I will post her t-shirt design as soon as we get a copy of it.  I must say, we are a proud family :)

Andrea @ From the Sol 


Elephant's Child said...

Love your art - and am so pleased to hear it is a family trait. And of course you are proud.

Christine said...

What wonderful thoughtful textures you have created for us this week!

Rain said...

Hi Andrea! Where do I start??? :) How wonderful that you posted so many beautiful pieces!!! I love the colours of the first piece, it actually reminds me a little of pre-historic times...maybe from the Disney movie Fantasia! Well done!

The second piece is great. I do believe there is texture in everything! I love how you portrayed the wind!!

Your mushroom is my favourite, that is really wild texture! I love the colours too.

Thank you for sparing me the details of the mucoid strand lol...but I can totally see it now and the butterfly kind of softens the idea! Those are great textures on the strand though, very well done!

Congratulations to Poppy and thanks for joining in!!!

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...