Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Scribble Picnic

Once again, I cheated ... this is a very busy time for me and I had thought I would probably miss this weeks prompt from Micheal ... but, Strawberries?  I am so looking forward to my Mother's Day Strawberries so I just couldn't pass up this opportunity to share.  This is strictly a digital rendering with framing in Picmonkey.  Wishing all of the Mothers out there a Happy Mother's Day ... you deserve more than a day, but we'll take what we can get, right?  



Rain said...

Do fur-mommies count? ;) That's cute Andrea, and not cheating! :) I just got my strawberries roots in the mail, and I really hope I have success with them! I tried to plant some from seed last summer and it didn't work. Happy early Mother's Day! :)

Wanda said...

I would take Sheries Berries anytime, fresh or digital. Happy Mothers Day

Edna B said...

It's quite tasty looking. You have a wonderful Mother's Day. Hugs, Edna B.

Elephant's Child said...

A very Happy Mother's Day. I hope it is filled to the brim with strawberries.

Christine said...

This looks delicious! Happy Mother's Day to you!

Michael said...

It's fine, Andrea. The point is you've changed it up enough and been creative. I love Sherry's Berries which is what I think these are. Yum. So juicy and then add white chocolate swirls? Even better. :)

I loved your various comments btw. Wonderful to read. Thank you so much for those and this berried contribution. I hope you have a fabulous mother's day. It's lovely seeing that you are being recognised as such too--THE most important role any human can play in my book. :)

Lorraine said...

Oooh, I'd love to have a plate of those berries myself!

joeks said...

Yum, yum, yum! Happy Mother's Day to you, also!

Serena Lewis said...

I don't understand the Sherries Berries comments — I assume it's a picture from a berry company that you have altered? Great job...I love the loose-flair you have implemented!

Happy Mother's Day to you also. :)

Little Wandering Wren said...

Yay, nice one! Is that Strawberries and cream or dipped in white chocolate?!
Wren x

Rain Frances Creations ... Peripheral Vision

 Peripheral Vision I know what Peripheral Vision is, but for the life of me, I can't think of a good way to draw it :(   Hope you all ha...