Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Wild Bird Wednesday

Potpourri of Birds
 Red Tail Hawk

 Juvenile Eagle

 Canadian Geese

 A flock of returning Black birds

 Sandhill Crane


 Mrs. Mallard

Mr. Mallard

Spring is in the air ... :)



Lea said...

A good variety of birds!
I would love to see Sandhill Cranes

Elephant's Child said...

All BEAUTIFUL. Megathanks.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Not a fan of hawks OR geese! Both are MEAN!!! catchatwithcarenandcody

Ida said...

Good variety of birds. I think the Sandhill Crane was my favorite today.

Les Fous du Cap said...

Très belle série, bonne semaine ;-)
Céline & Philippe

Stewart M said...

I do like those geese in the snow.

You were not the last to comment on the gannets - but you were the only person who commented twice!! Which I rather liked!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Jeanne said...

Gorgeous shots, and was surprise to see this sandhill crane. did you see that near your home. I have recently seen a big wildlife refuge in New Mexico that is supposed to have many types of birds. It is on my bucket list!!

Jeanne said...

By the way, the name of that refuge is Bosque del Apache. You should check it out. Looks like a really amazing place to visit, and filled with sandhill cranes.

Edna B said...

Gosh, I did not realize that sandhill cranes could be found near snow. Very interesting. You have a great weekend, hugs, Edna B.

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