Friday, March 10, 2017

Paint Party Friday

Impending Disaster



Gillena Cox said...

Happy PPF
Much love...

Elephant's Child said...

Hiss and spit.
Not to mention that the restrictions on gun ownership by those with mental illness have also been rescinded.

Linda Kunsman said...

so sad. Powerful painting. Happy PPF!

Jutta.K. said...

Very creative !
My contribution...

DVArtist said...

Andrea this is a wonderful representation of what is going to happen here with the EPA dismantled. I am sickened at what is happening here.

Giggles said...


Hugs Giggles

Susan said...

This says it all. Well done! Happy PPF

NatureFootstep said...

Life isn´t easy :(

JFM said...

Beautifully done art with a serious message!
Great artwork Andrea~

Happy PPF

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

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