Friday, March 17, 2017

Paint Party Friday

So, you still think he'll make America great again ... 



Linda Kunsman said...

a wonderful piece-and yes, he does look like he's smirking:) Happy PPF!

JFM said...

Andrea... so adorable, 💕 him or her :)
Happy PPF!!!

Elephant's Child said...

Love the smirker.
And in answer to your question? No.

Giggles said...

This seriously is a big WINNER and a favourite..made me smile ear to ear. Dogs really do smirk like this. As though they know more than us!! I knew when my animals were perturbed too!! LOVE it!! This picture is worth a thousand words!!

Hugs Giggles

Gillena Cox said...

Have a nice weekend

much love...

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Ha!!! Not a chance!!!!!! Love the artwork too! DakotasDen

DVArtist said...

Love this smirky dog, and I knew he would not make America great.

Fran said...

Dogs have so many facial expressions...guess it is all those loose lips. LOL

NatureFootstep said...

ah, Smirk, that was exactly my thought when I saw her :) Love it!

Edna B said...

Izzy, I love this picture of you. And YES, I do believe he will. But of course, we all have to come together and give him all the help he'll be needing.

Pogo sends lots of woofs and a great big lick to you. Andrea, have a great day, Hugs, Edna B.

Jeanne said...

That smirk is in the right place for the subject....

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