Thursday, August 27, 2015

Good Fences

This is a railing on the streets of Chicago that go over the expressway.  It is one of several designs ... I think they are pretty cool ...



eileeninmd said...

Hello Andrea, I love the color and the design. It is a nice they found away to make the railings pretty. Have a happy day!

ellen b said...

Very cool! I like the red and the star design!

Christine said...

Wow! It's so cool! I love stars and the red color just sets it off so well!

Sylvia K said...

A terrific, colorful fence for the day and perfect with those blue, blue skies!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Andrea!! Enjoy!!

TexWisGirl said...

quite beautiful!!! thanks, andrea, forever-39. :)

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Yes I agree, very nice design.

Ida said...

So do I think they are cool and the bright red color really makes them stand out.

Edna B said...

What a great idea for the fences. I agree, it looks wonderful against that beautiful blue sky. Great shot. You have a fabulous day, hugs, Edna B.

Stephanie said...

Wow, the red just pops!

NCSue said...

Nice color contrast here.
I hope to see you at, and please join us each week for Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday)!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Very neat! I like the bright red color

EG CameraGirl said...

Very creative!

Rain Frances Creations ... Peripheral Vision

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