Friday, September 19, 2014

Weekend Reflection

This is a reflection of a lamp in the home of our hosts in Switzerland.  They had a beautiful home with a rich history (built in the early 1800's by a wealthy land owner).  The house had been restored and updated as many homes in Switzerland are.  And, their taste was more modern which gave it a beautifully eclectic milieu.  You will see more of this house over time :)


MTWaggin said...

Fabulous can't wait to see more!

TexWisGirl said...

beautiful doorway with etched glass.

Sylvia K said...

Great capture for the day, Andrea, and I'm looking forward to seeing more as well!! Thanks for sharing!! Have a great weekend!

James said...

What a cool shot!

I changed the wording of my post after I read your comment. :"My cat Pierrot was looking out of the window at the vet's office" Thanks. :-)

James said...

Oops I forgot to add what I changed it to. "My cat Pierrot was at the vet's office looking out the window"

'Tsuki said...

They have great taste : the design of the lamp is so unique... I hope your enjoying your stay.

The Queen Jester said...

So good to have you back safe and sound. It sounds like you had a marvelous time and I'm excited to see the photos.

Elephant's Child said...

Gorgeous. It looks such an inviting home - love the parquet floor and the warm colours.

Viera said...

very nice lamp as well as the photo... excellent reflection...

Jutta.K. said...

Well spotted, a stylish reflection!
i like it.
Love greetings from from germany

Edna B said...

Oh what a beautiful home. That lamp is gorgeous, and I love love those doors. I'm looking forward to seeing what else you've captured on your camera. You have a fabulous day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

Ida said...

Looks like a nice, cozy home. Tall lamp.

Anonymous said...

very cool lamp!

Carola Bartz said...

This looks interesting - the lamp seems to be very modern? Great reflection.

Jeanne said...

So beautiful! Their home looks pretty amazing! Is this the same home that your friend was in when she lived with them??

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