Friday, September 19, 2014

Feline Art Friday

The cats in Switzerland are like the cats in America, except ... they don't speak English :)

This beautiful little Swiss cat lives in a house outside by the front door of the building where her owners live.  They do bring her in at night, but the cats in Switzerland have a nice life ... they don't have traffic issues (at least not in Wadenswil) and there are no preditors to speak of, so they can roam outside safely and do a little hunting themselves.  This little girl is very special.  She is missing one back leg, but seems to fair well in spite of it.  We looked forward to her friendly greeting each morning.


don said...

She's a fine looking cat. I'm glad the lack of predators lets us roam outside.

The Queen Jester said...

What a pretty cat and a fabulous life they must have wandering about. I'm not going to let Gracie read this post or she'll start in again with the "but why can't I roam free like the other cats?"

Elephant's Child said...

She looks like a honey. And of course she doesn't speak English. Neither do my furry overlords. They speak Cat, and it is up to me to learn it. Quickly.

Edna B said...

What a beautiful kitty. I wonder, don't they have any just "housecats"? Although I don't suppose they need to. My brother used build a beautiful house just outside his door for the neighborhood stray cats to have a safe warm place. My daughter Dee Dee also does this. Both also supplied food and water. It's good to treat our furry friends this way. You have a fabulous day, hugs, Edna B.

Wanda Psycho said...

Nice reflection--and nice cat!
Thanks for visiting us at

Jeanne said...

What a lovely kitty and do like your special touch on your photos!

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