Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Butterfly Light Award

I find it difficult to receive an award ... I just plod along with my blog, doing my thing and hoping that it brings some kind of joy into somebody's life ... I don't think of it as award worthy.  But my friend McGuffy Ann of McGuffy's Reader, feels differently and I am flattered and thrilled that she has given me an award that has special meaning to her.  The Butterfly Light Award honors those who bring light into the lives of others.  I would only hope that I have done that in some way and that I am deserving of this award.  Thank you, McGuffy, for thinking of me and considering my blog as one that "spreads the light" to others.  It is a true compliment and an honor I humbly accept.  You are a dear and forever friend. :)

This award was originated by Belinda of Idiot Writing.  The original recipient, Don Charisma, has asked that we always link back to Belinda for creating such a special award, as we continue to spread the light.

The conditions for accepting the Butterfly Light award are:
1.  Write an acceptance post, making sure you link back to the blogger who awarded you and thank them.  You may not add this award to a post with other awards.

2.Individually name and re-award a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 9,999,999 bloggers.  You must let them know either personally with a comment on their blog or a "pingback".

The following is the list of bloggers I wish to nominate as being deserving of the  Butterfly Light Award.  I realize that many of my blogger friends do not accept awards and I understand perfectly.  But, I feel that I have to be honest in who I would give this award to ... selecting those that have shed light in my life and in many others.  So, if you choose not to accept the award, that is okay ... just know, that you do deserve it either way.

A.  Edna of  Miss Edna's Place ... Edna chit chats every day about her life, her family, her dwarfs (boarders at her house) and especially her little rescued Yorky, Pogo.  She is a delight and has a wonderful sense of humor.  I so enjoy my visit to her place each morning :)

B. Queen Jester (Cheryl) of Life in a Canned Ham.  The Queen lives on the road with her husband and two cats in an RV.  Her blog details their daily trials and tribulations as well as the joyous moments.  Her sense of humor has me rolling with laughter routinely ... and we all know that laughter is therapeutic.  She surely shines light into my life ...

C. Stewart of Paying Ready Attention - Gallery .  Stewart is a family man in Australia.  He is the consummate birder and hosts a bird meme every week.  He is full of interesting information and wonderful pictures of the birds in Australia and wherever he travels.  He is also a writer and a deep thinker.  I have enjoyed his friendly way and his deep thoughts for several years and, though I doubt that he is looking for an award, I think he deserves many. 

D.  Jeanne of  Butterfly Tales:  Metamorphosis from the Cacoon. Jeanne is another deep thinker.  She journals her thoughts daily and adds wonderful photography that seems to exemplify what she is thinking.  Her goals are to grow and bring others with her.  She is loved by her followers including myself and is most deserving of the Butterfly Light Award.

E.  Elephant Child ... This is an Australian women who never ceases to amaze me.  She is brilliant and thoughtful.   She is an avid reader and a talented writer.  What I love most about her is what she writes about ... feelings, emotions, pain, strength ... she mixes it all together in such a way that once you have finished reading her post, you either want to sing or cry ... but I will say that she spreads the light like no one I know.  I have linked you to one of her latest posts about suicide.  Read it and you will know why I have nominated her for this award.

F. Lori of Lorikart ... I must include my artist friend, also from Australia.  Lori has hosted the meme "Mandarin Orange Monday" for over two years.  I started with her from day one and have learned so much from her as an artist and as a person.  She has shined the light in my life and many others over and over.

3.Link back to Belinda at her blog Idiot Writing or her Profile page, for creating this unique and special award (done ... above).

4.  Write a short paragraph that is entitled: "How I'm Spreading Light" or "How I am a Positive Influence".

I don't profess to be spreading light.  I just do what I do and hope that I touch someone with my thoughts and my pictures.  I do take the opportunity to teach about things I know from my nursing experience or years of having children and pets.  I try not to advise people because I know that what is right for me, might not be right for someone else.  When I am commenting on somebody's work, I try to be positive and encouraging.  I think I have a good eye for a gift when someone has one ... often we don't see it in ourselves, so I try to point out what is good in another's work, so they can feel as good about it as I do.  I have met so many wonderful people through this blog ... it has all been worth the effort just to know we are never alone that there is always someone out there who hears you and enjoys what you do or agrees with what you say.  Life is not easy and these moments are special.  Thank you McGuffy Ann for allowing me to pause long enough to appreciate what I have and hopefully what I have to offer others.


Sylvia K said...

Congratulations, Andrea!! A well deserved award!! I'm excited and happy for you!!

Elephant's Child said...

Oh Andrea. I started reading this thinking what a perfect award iit was for you. And read further. And was filled with gratitude (and feelings of inadequacy). Thank you so much. I am stepping away from awards - but really, really appreciate your kindness.

Stewart M said...

Hi there and thanks so much for this award - I'm going to have to think about it for a while! Most mornings bring a host of emails, best viewed over a cup of tea, from around the world - and at present that seems like award enough. (Although there is another part of me smiling and saying "at least somebody notices!" )

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you are enjoying the Butterfly award, as well as found friends to pass it to. (I know some don't accept awards, which is personal choice.) The light of friendship is an important one.It is a powerful one in many ways from inspiring and teaching, to sharing and supporting.

MTWaggin said...

Congrats and it couldn't have gone to a more lovely blogger!

Edna B said...

I have to agree Andrea, you definitely bring light to so many lives through your blog, and I for one am so glad and appreciative to have you for a friend. Wow, this took me by surprise, I am so honored. I agree with Ann, the light of friendship really is so very important. You have a beautiful day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

Jeanne said...

Andrea I feel so honored that you thought of me for this! I have meant to respond, but it just seems as if my days are on overload, and I have really backed off from my blogging time! It is so sweet of you to think of me for this award though,, and sorry that I just am not finding the time for this right now. Anxiously awaiting my new little grandaughter. Won't be long now. I am going to look through some of your posts here to see how your trip was, and bet it was awesome!! Best to you

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post you have created! Thank you for sharing and spreading the light :D

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