Thursday, November 14, 2024

Rain Frances Creations ... Fall

             I apologize ... I am deviating from the given
             prompt ... I don't know how to draw 
           "Charcuterie" and I don't have any pictures
            that I recall (sorry to disappoint).  So instead 
           I have gathered some of my "2024 Fall" pictures.
           Hope you enjoy :)

I know, too many pictures.  I love fall and I can't resist the temptation to take pictures every time I see an awesome tree ... and there have been many.  I assure you, I have many more I could share, but I will spare you that.  Enjoy the Fall weather while it lasts.  We are already seeing signs of winter ... brief, but cold 😒

Andrea @ From The Sol


Taken For Granted said...

Terrific fall color photos. Some of these photos reminds me of the photos of Elliot Porter whose work always impressed me.

Elephant's Child said...

I love your autumnal magic - and would much rather look at it than a Charcuterie plate.

Fundy Blue said...

I have to laugh, Andrea! "I know, too many pictures." I struggle with that feeling on a lot of my posts. At the same time I'm trying to cut out a picture, I'm adding more in ~ lol! I loved each and every one of your vibrant fall pictures. I love awesome trees too, so I get it! I was going to say that I really love the pictures with reflections in them, but then I love your pictures without reflections too. I think that people should post what makes them happy, and their visitors will spend as much time as they want to on the posts. It's all good, and I enjoy seeing the world through other eyes! Enjoy your weekend! ❤️

EricaSta said...

Indeed there are atmospheric images, dear Andrea. I`m impressed of this autumn mood in your post.
Thank you by the way for your nice comment. I must laugh about your mssing the snoball fights ;))) We are pleased without snow. Please understand. To Christmas it`s okay for some snowflakes, for the spirit... But I fear to fall on the pavement.

Wish you a very nice sunday and a good new week.
Greetings by Heidrun

NatureFootstep said...

Wonderful. Your fall seem to have been as beautiful as ours. It has been a great season. But now the trees are bare and boring. Until the snow comes. I want snow, but only shoe-deep so I can walk in it.

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...