Thursday, May 9, 2024

Rain Frances Creations ... Statues


Art in the Morton Arboretum

The Garden Show in Thailand

The Chicago Field Museum

Lady Hawk on Elephant statue

Fox Valley Shopping Mall

The House on the Rock, Wisconsin

Antique Advertising piece

Botanical Gardens in Madison Wisconsin 

Somebody's back yard

Thailand Straw Animals 

My Owl 

A Garden Center in Wisconsin

Chicago's Bean

In Mayo Clinic in Arizona

Somebody's Yard 

In a home in Switzerland



New Art ...

Well, if it isn't obvious, this was an easy prompt for me.  I am sure, if I had taken the time, I could have found many more statues in my files.  But lest I bore you, that's all for now.
Happy Spring!

Andrea @ From the Sol


Elephant's Child said...

Wow, wow and wow. Many of these are stunningly beautiful - though the angel kitty tugged at my heart strings. Thank you.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Power works of arts

Jeanie said...

These are beautiful and some are very powerful and organic. A wonderful selection.

Christine said...

Wonderful collection Andrea!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It never ceases to amaze me, Andrea, that you have this trove of images in your archives, and that you can quickly find them to use for any topic at all! I am impressed! You surely have a well organized filing system. Some beautiful, interesting and often thought- provoking sculptures and statues here. I will go though them all again. Hugs - David

Rostrose said...

WOW, dear Andrea, that is an impressive collection of statues! I am particularly impressed by the statues in the Morton Arboretum - very imaginative and special. The proud African woman at The Chicago Field Museum is also one of my favorites. And the creation in "Somebody's back yard" is extremely original :-) I can clearly see that this challenge wasn't big for you ;-)))
Thank you also for your comment on my Sydney post. Your Australian experiences - albeit short - also sound very interesting, especially the sanctuary and the birding tour with the many sightings. By the way, we visited a similar sanctuary in Tasmania - only there was no platypus there, which we saw in other places. In general, if you go to Australia again, I can highly recommend Tasmania. I have rarely experienced so much barely touched nature... Today you can see in my blog what we experienced in Melbourne and the surrounding area :-)
All the best, Traude

Soma @ said...

Quite a collection! The Arboretum art is so amazing and expressive!!


EricaSta said...

Firstly, thank you for your comment, dear Andrea. I always enjoy the lively exchange with you via the blog.

A wonderful post, dear Andrea. And funny at the same time. I'm wondering whether the sculptures are a man, a gnome or an orangutan. I immediately have the ideas in my head cinema. Many interesting artwork indeed.

And it`s very nice to see you between. Hello!

Now I wish you a wonderful week and send you hugs and best wishes, Heidrun

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Absolutely fantastic works of art.
Thank you for sharing.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...