Thursday, April 11, 2024

Rain Frances Creations ... Wheels


Part of FH's Sinclair Oil Collection

Old Art 

Can you find 4 cats?

New Art

Watched the eclipse with my Granddaughter ... 
it was awesome.  Did any of you see it?  

Well into April and the trees are flowering ... and yet, it is only 40degrees out today :(
Maybe by next week it will feel like Spring.  Wishing you all warm fuzzies (Do you remember when warm fuzzies were popular?)

Andrea @ From The Sol


Christine said...

Love your selection of wheels Andrea! We clouded over for most of the eclipse in Toronto had a few brief glimpses

CAAC said...

It was cloudy here so no eclipse watching here. I found the four cats. One was really hard to find. Temperature wise it's been warm enough but very rainy. Today's forecast is expected to be cooler than it has been with more rain. I'm ready for Mr. Blue Sky to make a grand appearance! Have a doodletastic weekend, Andrea!

Fundy Blue said...

Great wheels, Andrea! And I love that Sinclair Oil collection. I spent time in the Oil Patch as a wellsite geologist, and I've saved a few mementos including my hard hat. I'm glad that you had a chance to see the eclipse with your granddaughter. We didn't see it because we were in Florida visiting Terry's brother and wife. Love your early art, and yes I did find the four cats, but I had to click on the picture to make it bigger. Hugs and all the best to you!

Rostrose said...

Dear Andrea, I'm back from my blog break! :-)
Your collection of wheels is impressive - and I'm glad you were able to see the solar eclipse with your granddaughter! Unfortunately we weren't in the right area, the only total solar eclipse I saw was in Central Europe in 1999. (I was on vacation with my family in the Netherlands at the time and we had a great view of the eclipse.)
We've had summer temperatures here for a few days now (28 degrees Celsius = approx. 82 Fahrenheit) - but after today's thunderstorm the temperature drops dramatically - it's supposedly going to be just as cold here from tomorrow as it is here, approx. 4 degrees Celsius ( approx. 40 Fahrenheit)!
Hugs and all the best after my break,

EricaSta said...

Yes, the wheels should always be in motion... and you, dear Andrea, have shown vivid examples of this.

Greetings from Heidrun

Ariel said...

¿Está buscando un préstamo? ¿Préstamos personales o comerciales?
Me sentí tan devastado cuando mi negocio estaba cayendo debido a la situación financiera hasta que encontré al Sr. Pedro y el sitio web de su compañía de préstamos en funcionamiento, luego los contacté por correo electrónico:  y Telegram / whatsapp +393510140339 y luego me dieron un términos y condiciones sobre cómo funcionan los préstamos, estaba contento porque estaban dispuestos a financiar mi negocio con la cantidad de 86.000,00 libras con un reembolso del préstamo del 2% de rendimiento anual para expandir mi negocio. Todo el proceso fue muy transparente y rápido. Gracias.
Este mensaje es para que usted lo ayude a superarlo.

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...