Thursday, April 18, 2024

Rain Frances Creations ... Spoons


(Background from Google Images)
Background from Google Images)

What made me think of this nursery rhyme from my youth many moons ago?  Heaven only knows, but this is as good as it gets for the prompt "spoons".  Really, Rain ... Spoons? 😁

Andrea @ From the Sol 


EricaSta said...

Dear blog friend Andrea, rest assured that I have tried to write to you several times. I have not forgotten you. Isn't it strange when I make up my mind to do something ... and then the doorbell rings, or the phone rings and, last but not least, Luzie the cat wants to be served.

And now I'm dedicating time and muse to your beautiful post.

This children's song that you show here in the drawing was foreign to me. But your drawing immediately put me in the mood to sing along. Simply enchanting. I generally like children's songs and memories very, very much.

Have a pleasant week. Greetings from Heidrun

Translated with (free version)

Taken For Granted said...

Good that you are having fun with this nursery rhyme.

Elephant's Child said...

Love your take on this familiar song.

Christine said...

Fun take on spoons today Andrea!

Fundy Blue said...

You did a great job with the prompt, Andrea! Love your cast of characters. Have a relaxing weekend! Hugs to you!

Soma @ said...

Nice take on the theme spoons!! Your comment about the theme made me smile. Have a great weekend.


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Let me try again, Andrea. I have left comments for you and emailed twice but no response. Check your spam folder. It is doubtless full of messages from me. Hugs - David

Ariel said...

¿Está buscando un préstamo? ¿Préstamos personales o comerciales?
Me sentí tan devastado cuando mi negocio estaba cayendo debido a la situación financiera hasta que encontré al Sr. Pedro y el sitio web de su compañía de préstamos en funcionamiento, luego los contacté por correo electrónico:  y Telegram / whatsapp +393510140339 y luego me dieron un términos y condiciones sobre cómo funcionan los préstamos, estaba contento porque estaban dispuestos a financiar mi negocio con la cantidad de 86.000,00 libras con un reembolso del préstamo del 2% de rendimiento anual para expandir mi negocio. Todo el proceso fue muy transparente y rápido. Gracias.
Este mensaje es para que usted lo ayude a superarlo.

Rain said...

Oh I love it! It's funny Andrea, I drew the dish and the spoon for my Rain Frances Art YT channel, didn't have time to edit it in time so I'll be showing it next week!!! :)

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...