Thursday, March 14, 2024

Rain Frances Creations ... TADD, Boots


So, we have boots on the ground all over the world, but no active fighting on our part.  Thank Heaven for peace.   Wish I could say the same for Ukraine and Israel.

These are probably not called boots, but they are chest high boots and we used them a lot when we lived on the lake.

Remember Izzi?

Boots didn't slow her down :)

We haven't had any need for boots this winter ... we are starting to get signs of Spring and still only a few dustings of snow.  Winter just isn't winter without a good snowball throwing, snowman building snow :(

Andrea @ From the Sol 


Gillena Cox said...

Lots of fun boots.
My post today is HERE


Debra She Who Seeks said...

So many great boots! And yes, I think hip waders should count. I just love Puss in Boots!

Jeanie said...

Izzi and her boots re really making me smile! And yes, glad we don't have boots on the ground, either. At least I hope not!

Christine said...

Fun take on boots Andrea! -Christine

peppylady (Dora) said...

Hope your day is going good.

Taken For Granted said...

Those are wonderful photos of Izzi. What a fun dog. Usually dogs hate having boots on their feet, but Izzi doesn't seem to mind, or is just used to them.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

A couple of days ago we were out for a walk and found a single dog’s boot on the trail, leading us to wonder whether it went home with only three and how that must have felt. We’ll never know! Hugs to you, Andrea.

Soma @ said...

Fun boots, specially the pup ones! I had no idea that there are dog boots.


Fundy Blue said...

These are wonderful, Andrea, especially the pictures of Dog-in-Boots catching the toy in the snow. Those chest high boots might be waders. Peace feels insecure right now. I wake up every day feeling like we're on the edge of a world war. Thank goodness for funny things like your dog to distract my mind. Have a great weekend!

Ariel said...

¿Está buscando un préstamo? ¿Préstamos personales o comerciales?
Me sentí tan devastado cuando mi negocio estaba cayendo debido a la situación financiera hasta que encontré al Sr. Pedro y el sitio web de su compañía de préstamos en funcionamiento, luego los contacté por correo electrónico:  y Telegram / whatsapp +393510140339 y luego me dieron un términos y condiciones sobre cómo funcionan los préstamos, estaba contento porque estaban dispuestos a financiar mi negocio con la cantidad de 86.000,00 libras con un reembolso del préstamo del 2% de rendimiento anual para expandir mi negocio. Todo el proceso fue muy transparente y rápido. Gracias.
Este mensaje es para que usted lo ayude a superarlo.

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